Coumminty Manager Cordovan has made a post over at the forums update people on the situation of the downtimes and sales and compensation players will receive Hello
This week’s featured events: The Harnkegger Games continue through Sunday, September 11th on the Laurelin server. Here’s the remaining schedule: Friday starting at 3pm EDT: Gallop-a-Run from Gondamon to Celondim, Swim-a-Run,
Free Sample Of The Week March 21st – March 27th Skill and Slayer Deed Boost x1 Use Coupon Code SKILL8 1/Account Lootbox Weekend! Increased drop rates through-out Middle-earth! March 20th-23rd
By the way: What was the last (newest) “expansion”? Was it Rohan? The Gondor packs are just quest packs, right?
Wasnt it helms deep expansion?
I thought Helm’s Deep is an edition, not an expansion? Expansions are Moria, Isengard, Rohan, and …? Is Mirkwood an expansion? Wicked…
The edition part is simply referring to which edition of the expansion. There used to be multiple options.