After the Special honey rolls wore out and crashing on the closest hay stack Noffer woke him up. “Not all your rambles were a fever dream”, he said. That turtle you saw that was talking to the goblins? He’s here, he was just watching the watchers that have been watching you ever since you arrived in the Vales.

No need to worry about the Vales. I’ve a band of mercenaries working as we speak. They managed to fell dragons up north. They’ll dispatch some goblins and orcs with ease. There are more forces at work in Middle-Earth then just critters. I’ve left instructions with Chompy he’ll fill you both in on your way.

As Noffer made it’s way south he’s crosses his hometown of Arheim. He didn’t have the heart to tell that the Authentic Noffers had long been outsourced to other pigs. It was better to let him sheepishly believe it was still his daily duty. Truth been told, he had a hard time finding truffles unless they were so close they blocked his nostrils.

As the brown leaves turn into the golden flow of Lothlorien the party made it’s way to Cerin Amroth to set up camp. We havn’t seen any orcs since we left Blomgard, said Noffer. They have been dispatched by some big shots elf that are on their way to a wedding i’ve been told. Even that cranky lady is off to somewhere so don’t worry about the tales of whisper in the forest that will put you under her spell. What whispers? Oh don’t worry then. No worry, then why did you feel it was worth mentioning Chompy? Nothing, just keep walking. Chomp! i’m not a hare we can stop and talk about these whispers!

Don’t worry we just have to use the front door. Elfs are very meticulous about anyone using their backdoor. It’s just around the corner.

They won’t let you in either Bert? Don’t worry we’ve been send by Radagast to use the witchqueens mirror. Let me give them this token. I’m sure you’d be as hungry as a boar after that journey. I’ll ask if they got some lembas for you both.

After a brief introductionary video the three little musketeers were each given a brief glimpse into the rifts of time. An ominous voice whispers “things that were… things that are… and some things… ” as Chompy begins to back down Noffer shouts, Rattlepack shut up! Chompy fades in and out

He’d heard of the Western Turtle march, but he never seen anything to proof it ever existed. Enormous critters larger then even the fictional Filikul or dragons larger then cities used to roam Middle-Earth. They now knew what drove the hobbits out of the Vales. It weren’t the pigs as the Shirefolk thought. A trove of goblins that fled the Misty Mountains and never dared to return to their ancestral homes.
Shortly after these revelations Chompy decided he had to delve deeper he left Lothlorien westwards towards the Mirrormeres leaving the others behind. Noffer decided to return to the Vales with the Bert, Rattlepack and the hobbit for now following the trail of Bingo Boffin. Hoping once again to see the Shire in it’s full green glory.