The HOBNANIGANS Chicken game is a pass time enjoyed greatly by players of The Lord of the Rings which comes around every few months.
Now Launching the Hobnanigans Chicken League! Where teams of 3 and 6 compete for their place on the Ranking Ladder. Join the Ranking Ladder to become the best team out there!
First server for the League will be on Landroval. If it goes well, we will be expanding to other servers!
The first Tournament of the Hobnanigans Chicken League will be a Double Elimination 3-Man Team game.
May 7th, 4pm @ the Hobnanigans Field 3
First Place: 700 gold Second Place: 300 gold
The Team Captain will need to REGISTER their team to play. Each member does not need to register. ONLY the Team Captain need register the Team itself. Please be sure to only register if you plan to compete in the 3 member or 6 member Tournaments!
See the Team Rankings and other Information @
Author: Forte Maestro
Time to FIX the LOTRO /say bug
As you surely know, we had the opportunities to catch some of the Turbine DEVs team in LIVE for the anniversary about the ./say bug.
The LIVE stream :
Turbine did briefly touch upon the bug in the anniversary stream, in a chat between Baccata, Arbor and Frelorn starting at around 4:23:15 and lasting for about 3 minutes. Basically, their answer was we don’t know what that is, this is new to us, put more information on it in the forums and we might look into it.
Turbine DEVs, very friendly, were felt so stupid in the LIVE when they were faced to the question about ./say bug. They had not heard about it. But they said they will investigate about it.
True or false, nevermind! We got their attention for a short time!
It’s time to harass Turbine about the ./say bug :
Please, TAKE A LOOK here for a good description about the bug on this blog : Time to address the LOTRO /say bug
and please leave your own comment or experience about it here on : – MUSIC-The-say-bug
NOW everyone’s support is needed, Music community, but also RP community and all any Social community!
I hope you could be supportive, especially if you agree and frustrated by this bug, like many.
LMB is an ancient, strong and well renowned kin! I think you could have some weight in the balance.
More, some of you knows people in other kin (maybe Sons of Numenor) or any others, if you could talk to them about that, it will be great.
Thanks by advance
yur friend
Do not let the thread be buried too quickly.
Ensure it a good visibility at the top of the first page for a while.
Also, show them that many of us are care about the ./say bug.[url][/url][/quote]
Courtly Ayres Spring Formal Masquerade Ball
Saturday April 30th
Landroval server
4:00-5:30pm /severtime
9 Chestnut Rd, Middleham, Bree-land Homesteads
- Celebrate the coming of spring, with an elegant masquerade ball with Elizabethan courtly style music performed by Students of the Academy of Music.Come dressed in your finest, as you gather with your friends and family, for a night of splendor and enchantment.Dancers will also have the chance to be crowned King/Queen of the Spring Ball.
The ARDAMAN 2016: Challenging Middle-Earth’s Greatest Athletes
Calling all elite athletes across the vast lands of Arda! The great race of endurance and distance is coming! It aims to test the skills, prowess, and hardiness of the Best of the Best in long distance Swimming, Riding, and Running across Middle-Earth.
Do you have the tenacity? Do you have the fine tuned finesse? As LOTRO’s answer to the IRONMAN Competition, let this be the true test of your grit, and prove your self to be a true “Ardaman.”
August 13th, 2016
Opening Ceremony
@ 12:00pm Noon /servertime
at the Breeland Festival Grounds Stage
The Eriador Run
Thorin’s Hall (Ered Luin) to Galtrev (Dunland)
Gate of Thorin’s Hall @ 1:00pm /servertime
The Brandywine Swim
Buckland (Bree-land) to the Source of Lake Evendim (Evendim)
and back again…
@ 3:00pm /servertime
August 14th, 2016
The Rhovanian Ride
Galtrev (Dunland) to Minas Tirith (Gondor)
@ 12:00pm /servertime
The Closing and Award Ceremony
Breeland Festival Grounds
@ 2:00pm /servertime
Closing Concert Celebration
Breeland Festival Grounds Stage
@ 2:30-3:00pm /servertime
SIGNUP to Compete!
New Instruments/Revamp for U19
Please note: The following post was an April Fool’s joke and is not real.
Yes folks! It is true! I have recently been putting out polls on what people have on their wishlist for new additional instruments. Well, looks like a number of them are coming true!
It has been quite some time since we acquired the new Lute of Ages and Misty Mountain Harp. Due to public requests, a new range of instruments are coming.
Will be available via Bullroarer after U18 is released
What should we be expecting you ask?
There have been another of instruments that so many have called for.
- Luharpa: The first of all, many have asked for a real sustained strings type of instrument. Well, Turbine wants to maintain instruments that are part of LOTR lore, this one of which you see in the new Hobbit movie. This will be the combination of a violin and a cello allowing for note ranges for both instruments to allow for the inclusion of them in songs. It was originally thought to have two separate ones, but decided to combine to one instrument.
- Iron Bell: Finally a real bell with the note and octave range to play songs like the Carol of the Bells
- Kanza: A standup style instrument horizontal key+bag instrument played like a piano but using air bags, and will be an instrument replicating sounds of an Organ.
- Shobone: A new horn to help replicate sounds of a Trumpet as the existing “Horn” is being readjusted more Like the French Horns and Saxaphones.
- Grand Drum: A new bass style drum is being added. Appearance wise, it looks like a horizontal larger version of the regular drum, and sitting on the ground.
Instrument Bag: Instruments have cluttered up bag for so many years as most Minstrels carry so many. A new bag, with an initial slots of 6 will be added for all Minstrels as part of the main tool bar. It can only hold instruments, whether basic instruments or crafted. Additional slots can be unlocked for Turbine points.
MaxPlayingSounds: They are being doubled to 128 for a great depth
Layering: There are plans to expand upon the issues with note layering to allow for a wider range of note usage.
Say Bug: Once and for all the /say bug will be fixed. Should no longer have an issue with losing say.
/playstart sync Bug: It was recently reported that there was a syncing issue when starting a synced song. This is being corrected.
Missing Notes: A number of instruments are missing ranges of notes. It is planned to fine tune these missing notes since lower sound qualities are an issue, the MaxPlayingSounds is being increased.
Looking forward to the new changes coming live!