A Dancing thrill with the Green Hill

Just like many other moments when one is off doing their part in protecting the lands from the encroaching darkness, all fight and no play makes a completely unforgettably and irresistible Bard, par boiled and with out joy. Today I found myself returning to the lands of my birth, the green hills of the Shire. Nestled comfortably outside the Bird and Baby Inn in...

A Night at the Dolwood

To liven up this Friday night, I found myself on the doorstep of the Dolwood Tavern owned by the illustrious Prindle Greenfeet on 9 Chestnut Street of the Dolwood Neighborhood of the Bree-land Homesteads on the Landroval server.

Rocking at Ministock V

In preparation for all the funny business that goes into putting on Weatherstock V, the largest player gathering in all of The Lord of the Rings Online, the Lonely Mountain Band hosts of the event puts on a show apply named, Ministock. Today marked when the bands performing at Weatherstock get together and head to Weatherstock to run through “mic checks”, rehearsals and other necessary preparations for the coming larger show.