[CC] Hytbold quickly guide 2022

While finishing off Year 8 Reflection III for the anniversary you might have found out you needed to rebuild Hytbold. Or you want access to the crafting resource instances to avoid spending 100’s of gold to get past the Riddermark tier. For whatever reason you want to rebuild Hytbold and you want to do it quickly. With help from some kinnies, mission trickery and some patches in 2020 it can now be done in 2,5 evenings from scratch instead of a full expansion and 50 days.

What is and why rebuild Hytbold?

Hytbold is a settlement located within the Sutcrofts in East Rohan[57.6S, 56.3W] Hytbold was recently burned down in an attack by Orcs from the East Wall. Rebuilding the town will allow access to class armor, special resource instances and more.


Riddermark resource instances, reputation, deeds, tokens and anniversary quests etc.

Changes to Hytbold that make it possible

A few things have changed since 2012 and this full guide was published. Or this plugin that still mostly works.

  • Each handin now only requires 1 Hytbold token instead of 10
  • Each Daily now awards 10 Hytbold token
  • Each Daily quest are available from the start
  • You can cancel the 5-quest limit to avoid the daily lock
  • Too many marks so you can now buy Reputation accelerator from the skirmish camp easily
  • Exchange Hytbold tokens for Rohan reputation

The actual quick guide

Make sure you can start Hytbold by being 84+ and went to Hytbold and did the introduction quest. At this point you pick up the Aiding the Eastemet to allow you to pick up the daily quests.

  1. Go to Cliving, Snowbourn, Harwick or Eaworth and pick up all quests that take place in an instance
    1. Quest guy that has 4 sets of 2 quests with a similar name. Other are landscape and require travelling
    2. Other quests can be done to complete deeds, but doing the 4 by 2 sets in each town awards you 320 Hytbold tokens
  2. Cancel the Aiding the Eastemet before starting any of the quests.
    1. After cancelling you have to wait 5 minutes and you can’t pick up any new quests
    2. If you complete any 5 quests before canncelling you will be locked out for the day
  3. Complete the quests inside the instances. Leave the instance and start the next set of 2. Do this for any quests you’ve accepted.
  4. Head back to Hytbold from any town you are/have reached Ally with (Swiftravel available) Repeat this for as many days you might need to do.

Day 1 – Exchange all tokens earned for reputation with Wold, Northcroft, Suthcroft and Entwash vale. To reach atleast Ally status to open up Swiftravel.

Day 2 – After doing all 32 quests you should now have earned enough reputation and or tokens to get atleast 2-3 factions to kindred. You can hand in all quests inside hytbold to rebuild each section or use the tokens to get kindred with the last factions.

Day 3 – Do quests in the town/area you’re not kindred with yet. Head back to Hytbold to rebuild the last few quests and sections. You won’t need to do all 32 just to rebuild Hytbold.

Quick pointers

Depending on if you’ve access to 200 reputation accelerators you will need double the quests/tokens. If you’ve quested in Rohan you will offcourse need fewer. However doing the Hytbold quests and exchange for reputation is quicker then questing for reputation the normal way.

If you don’t have much room in your questlog. You can pick up the 8 quests in a specific town and then cancel the Aiding the eastermet quest. While really quick it will still take atleast 5 minutes allowing it to reset. Heading back to Hytbold if you don’t have swift travel from a town is just a pain.

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