Hey all! We are going to be setting down for an interview with Producer Raninia, next Thursday!
And we want to ask him your burning questions!
We can’t promise we will get to all your questions, or even if we get them answered! but we are going to try!
So, respond to this post, or email podcast@lotroplayers.com
and we will try and pick the best questions and see what kind of answers we get!
We will combine all the answers until next Wednesday, 4-20 at 7pm EST.
Thanks Drac
LOTRO Players Director
Not sure these will get answered but:
1) When will we see Harad? I would love to see a zone complete unlike anything we have ever had, and lore-wise Aragorn leads an invasion early in his reign
2) I can imagine something that capitalizes on the forthcoming Amazon series is in the works…any chance of getting a second age Eregion?
3) Has a level squish been considered? 140 levels is pretty daunting for new players.
Any plans for more evergreen and challenging solo or small group content?
Any plan for returning 1-off content such Treasure goblins, Event servers like Bombabil?
Any plans for missing content areas, removed area or gear or currently bugged such as Gondor instance gear, Big battle level 100, bridles, Rune of enchantmant repeatables at not 140