This week we discussed Bullroarer Update 32 Beta #2 and our week in gaming.
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Bullroarer Update 32 Beta #2 Release Notes
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LOTRO Players News
Week In Gaming
- Couple weeks back, we rolled new charas on Laurelin, all hobbits, for a balanced group on Tuesdays. I took Cleopuncha there because we decided I would tank. I was then urged to lead the way like I don’t get lost in a one room house with a single door.
- In this same vein of “where the heck am I???”, Friday’s group in Moria found my Champion riding a pig through orange named enemies looking for where the group went off to. Moria + Celebathien’s tracking abilities equals panic. Though, it’s Moria, which I believe is one long adrenaline rush from terror as it is due to not seeing where stairs might be.
- SWTOR: My Republic Trooper went looking for a super secret stealth generator the enemy had on a ship and, much like my attempts to find a good and proper taco salad in New York State, got burned repeatedly during it.
- ESO Loony Tunes – fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun FUN!.
- LOTRO old heroes are returning, we are prepping for raiding once more!
- Decided to get back into something I love but haven’t done in a long time – painting miniatures! Got my paints, brushes, clamps, lights, and a Warhammer 40k titan and a space marine squad ready, primer arrives on thursday and it’s ON.
- My High Elf minstrel ran skirmishes in healing stance. Exciting to finally get a chance to practice on more than a Dwarf champion. Also managed to finish slayer deeds in Clovengap, then went back to Car Bronach. Good God, SSG, what is up with that.
- Watched the birth of a new player in ESO – and watched him die the same night to a dragon. It was fun unlocking Alliance skill lines, too.
- Took my Dragonknight out into the World – and levelled almost 10 levels. And took on a Group Boss just outside of Daggerfall with one other random player, after taking down a Delve Boss by her own lonesome.
- Knucklesanswich on Landroval successfully made it to level 20 without major incident, then was whooshed to 130.
- Ventured further into Moria on the field trip after acquiring some new LIs.
- Started the Psijic Order questline on two alts in ESO…
- Joined the Academy for some Moria shenanigans, then logged in on Teri and got another hobby-deer in the gold present.
- Lots of questing in ESO. So much questing. Still nowhere near cleaning out the quest log, because there’s always two more quests when you finish one…
- SWTOR bounty hunter/sniper duo finished out their class quests.
- My Anor Warden interrupted the keeping of a second promise.
- My Brawler cleared out some troubles in the Foundations of Stone.
- I prepared for the Interstellar Convergence.
News Beyond LOTRO
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Crister is swinging a big sword in ESO
Final Thoughts
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