Update 30 is relatively straight forward in questing. With only a few directions you can go in. Every questhub follows the same path. Pick up all the quests of which a few are inside or near the questcamp. Followed by a quest that sends you to the next few camps. In the meantime a few kill quests along the way with a Epic quest line that tells you the story of Durin and the orc brothers who don’t love Durin.
A few keyquests and the direction of the Epic will prevent you from going back and forth having to kill so many orcs. Oh so many orcs here.

Starting the questline
In your mail will be a quest from Gloinn. This will send you to Anna Kurfu mission-hall. Follow this questline to Erebor and the new mission room there. You can get back here from other mission-stablemasters later. Once you’ve finished here there is a clickable table, Tales of Yore which will take you to “Moria Besieged”.
Main camp – Amdan
Visit all the warcamps, pick up all the quests. There are a few like Befraggled dwarfs which you can complete in the camp. One quest will take you to the east river to get some provisions. After a lot of chatty dwarfs the Epic will give you the option to vist 3 quest hubs. Go left.
Road to Zirakazhar
Along the road you find some trees and a large warg camp. The missing scouts is another quest you will want to finish. All the kill quests for animals you can continue, but dont finish them just yet. At Zirakazhar repeat the questhub and fight your way to the orc camp above Khazad-dum.
As you finish the camps quests pay attention to not forget to “claim the camp” by raising the banner in the metal stand.
North east camps and Bat country
Head back to Amdan and this time go right. You’ll find a stablemaster. Once you reach Mirrormere go north across the bridge. Clean both camps and finish Vako’s quests. After these camps follow the road north. This camp is straightforward. Complete quest east of the camp pay attention to the Corruption influence, east to miss with the buckets on the ground. AFter this complete quests west followed by a “claim metal base” outside and a few quests inside the tower.
Chapter 2, 3 and heading to Moria
You have now advanced the Chapter 2 far enough to continue iwth the epic. After this head west adn complete quests along the way. This will eventually lead into a heavily protected Gate of Khazad Dum. Discover the entrance to the raid “Fall of Khazad Dum. At this point the main story line will wrap up with plenty of storylines. You can head up north to find a few extra quests.
Finishing up
You’ll have a few more quests to finish. But the dailies should now be available in Amdan-east. You can repeat those to get kindred if you want. Currently there is no weekly or ember-quest available (Patch 30.0.1).
Loot and repeatables
There is no upgrade in gear available for barter this update. With no ember weekly as well most of the reason to coming back is reputation for the usual pets and cosmetics. A new essence type is available as a raid drop or for 50 quest tokens. These have a 10% chance on any hit to do a small aoe attack around the caster. These roughly do 100k damage and are worthwhile giving up a bit of morale for on nearly every class.
There are 12 dailies of which you’ve to complete 4 to complete the daily for the overall quest. My advice is to pick Healing the Haban’akka and The great orc hunt. And any 2 of the same camp. At this moment no extra deed or unlocked weekly after doing all 12.
The raid has you fight the balrog on which you’re forced to retreat over the Bridge of Khazad Dum. The loot conists of 3-slot armour with plenty of room for more vitality. Weapon titles and the occasion essence to round it all off. Tier 1 is straight forward with 2 and 3 a large step up from there. For tactics follow https://dadislotroguides.com/raid-guide-the-fall-of-khazad-dum/
quest: The champions of the wargs.
I must defeat goblin courier. I’m running between Dursh Hul and Kamaz-kala like million times and never meet him. where is he? :/