LOTRO Player News Episode 396: Pineleaf Plays Shing-Shing-Ditch

This week we discussed Bullroarer Update 29 Preview 1 and our week in gaming.

Game News

Bullroarer Update 29 Preview 1

LOTRO Beacon Issue 192


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Teriadwyn’s pick of the week: Moderate Peril’s Review of Update 29


Week In Gaming


  • Tried to skirmish alone responsibly with a cat pawing my fingers. Had to pause Thievery and Mischief to pet the kitty.
  • Discovered that my elf Hunter, Khelevorn, does gymnastics like Simone Biles before falling over dead — but has to get up and take a knee after to show it. So extra.
  • Went warging on the Moors for a while. Taunted the freeps in GV with a warg train. Woo woo! Bite and pee and bite and pee…..
  • Other games:
    • Civ 6: Had a game that the creator played a nasty, nasty trick on us for. *COUGH*EM*COUGH*



  • My Metalsmith is now Honored Master of the Guild. All seven of my crafters are Guilded now.
  • Got up to some Shenaniganry on Gwaer before the stream, which reminded me of how much I sometimes love this game. And she has a cool new portrait, too. 
  • My burglar was randomly followed by a stranger in Bree and ended up going to visit Radagast the long way.
  • In ESO, the Shiny Duo made level 30 (almost) dealing with troubles in Northern Glenumbra, and my Khajit got into trouble with the Guard in Abah’s Landing. Even though she’s an Eye of the Queen.



  • Started working on the quests in Dol Amroth to earn some silver and gold tokens because the cosmetics you can get from the quartermasters look amazing.
  • I did the “Dol Amroth – Training Exercise” repeatable quest for the first time, got hopelessly lost in the library for no reason at all, and started lamenting the lack of bag space I have for all of these location’s individual tokens. 
  • Went warging with the group for Celebathien’s birthday.
  • Other games:
    • SWTOR: dusted off my bounty hunter for the first time in a while and had a laugh at a few bugs/laggy moments.
    • Civ 6: participated in a few games with the group
    • ESO: got some of the DLC from the steam sale



  • My burglar went deeding behind some elves while riding a pig. It was a delightful deeding chain with a surprise addition.
  • Went warging and discovered letting a reaver tank can make taking back TA much better.
  • Rolled a new alt on Arkenstone for the field trip, which kind of helped my altaholic struggles this week.
  • Played some ESO with Teri and Pineleaf and finally caught up to Gwaer on the character we started together.
  • Rolled a new character on SWTOR to run with Maven and Nitesh, which was fun once I turned the graphics down so I could look at the screen.
  • Played some minecraft with my nephew and created a bunch of safe houses around our initial base.



  • Welldressed Killingmachine ran with the hobbit burgs for Grrlz, one-shotting things in the Lone Lands for deeds, because burgs and slayer deeds do not mix well.
  • Did a bit of rolling around the Moors for Celebathien’s birthday, wargs kind of ruled. Also, I can still tank an Outpost Captain-General, so I don’t feel too nerfed.
  • Teriadwyn in ESO worked through some of the actual main story, having left off at about level 15 or so (and she’s now level 41). Also, the new Nightblade met a vampire dude who looks entirely too shifty. And I acquired the base ESO via Steam since it was on sale, so now I can take advantage of Steam sales for things in the future.
  • Due to an author blog I follow, I got really hooked on House Flipper (so obsessed with window cleaning in that game). It’s really a shame you can’t clean in real life with a couple of mouse clicks…



  • My Anor warden had to recall a few Gondorian soldiers who responded by playing Shing Shing Ditch with me.
  • My Crickhollow warden headed out to fight some annoying harbingers.
  • In ESO, I created a new character who ran the new tutorial, then the Greymoor prologue, then finally started Greymoor itself.


News Beyond LOTRO



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This week we did not receive any reviews.

Featured Comments



One of our Academy Kinmates writes:

I feel the need to defend myself somewhat.  I have been playing since beta, by the time journeyman riding skill was a “thing” I already had multiple characters at level cap.  So I did not think that store bought item was necessary.  As time went on, and I started to play with other people that have not been playing as long as me, and hearing about how awesome that journey riding skill was from the store, (my wife being one of them), I took a look at it.  And again I dismissed it for not being worth the lotro points.  Here is my logic…..I have 9 toons at cap, I have most of my other toons that  I play from time to time with a war steed, the only toons that could benefit from that store bought item would be the characters I roll in the Academy. Now at close to 3000 lotro points for that skill, I was not, and am not, about to spend those on that skill.  I am much better off spending those points on things that will boost me for end game content, like Physical and Tactical mitigation scrolls, or Tomes of Defense. I know I may be taking up the rear when playing with you all on Fridays, but really I am only about 30 seconds behind “when” we are all heading in the right direction.  Any other time I might be holding things up is when Celebathien and I are lost, (always good getting lost with you Celebathien…lol).  So, no matter how great the Journeyman Riding Skill may be, for a player like myself, it just is not worth it.  That all being said, any snarkyness this post may have a sound to it, is truly tongue in cheek, Feel free to poke fun at me as much as you all want, I rofl at it all, and enjoy it all immensely. Oh, one last thing, (as Colombo would say), Journeyman Riding Skill is not on sale, I checked it out today, to remind me of the numbers, it is going for the full price of 2995 Lotro points, so Beacon was wrong…..Keep up the great podcast and thank you all for keeping it going all these years.  I look forward to next one…..

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Final Thoughts

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