LOTRO Players News Episode 395: How to Start A War Between Dwarves in 12 Easy Steps

LOTRO Players News Episode 395: How to Start A War Between Dwarves in 12 Easy Steps post thumbnail image

This week we discussed store sales, pies, and our week in gaming.

Game News

On Wednesday, we had extended maintenance to see if a long clean-up could help fight lag

LOTRO Beacon Issue 191

Store Sales

Find Your Shadowfax!

Get 25% off:

  • Select Warsteeds and Mounts
  • Riding Skills
  • Select Warsteed Cosmetics
  • Movement Speed Buffs
  • Now through February 11th!

Weekly Coupon

  • Fall Injury Immunity x5
  • Coupon Code: PARKOUR
  • Now through February 11th!

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LOTRO Players News

New Player Question

What is the max level of an LI?

Week In Gaming


  • Have started pronouncing “Celebrate” as “kel-eh-brah-teh” because I’ve played the game too much lately.
  • Magically killed an orc without touching it or shooting it. It just ran up, rawr’d, then fell over dead. Never targeted it once. Nobody else around.
  • Tried to play Craft the World multiplayer with five people. After watching dwarves sinking through the earth, running around in underwear while mine weren’t, and finding weird things stacking on top of each other, I left – and promptly (apparently) became a door to other people’s screens.
  • Decided to change uploading day of “A Burg’s Tale” to Sunday mornings.


  • Made it to level 100 for the first time due to actual leveling (and not a Valar’d character)! 
  • Helms Deep Storied Tales are awesome and I highly recommend doing them at least once.
  • Dol Amroth has no business being as pretty as it is. Seriously, DA, leave some design points for the rest of Gondor please. 
  • Other games:
    • Tried Craft the World for the first time and got one of my dwarves stuck in a puddle.
    • Downloaded ESO for the first time and got through the tutorial before I had to quit. 


  • Gwaerendes cleared out the instance meta deed for Barad Gularan and is now Rogmul’s Bane. She also did weeklies in Minas Morgul.
  • My Beorning metalsmith is working on Honored Master of the Guild.
  • Got an amusing and dubious Achievement in ESO with my main. Then went thieving in Abah’s Landing.
  • The Shiny Duo are getting ready to go to the Glenumbra Moors – because werewolves. (also ESO)


  • Participated in an epic Draigoch battle on Monday night, thanks to Finaor, Maven, and Nitesh.
  • Played Pirate101 with my nephew and admired his cool new pirate ship.
  • Introduced Pineleaf to the Outlaw’s Refuge in ESO. Then tried to make use of it with Gwaer later, but forgot I had a bounty and left with the bounty still ticking down only to run right into a guard.
  • Got a cool floating rock pet in ESO on the EU server and discovered how to deposit Tel Var stones in my bank thanks to a kind player.
  • Had an amusing game of Craft the World with friends and some odd glitches.


  • Arkenstone RK died a bunch of times in the Forgotten Treasury instance with the Academy, but we managed to get through the first two bosses.
  • Made a shiny new Nightblade in ESO, who got gear crafted by Sans and then died in a cave. So she picked up some friends to run with on Tuesdays, and we started working through the Western Skyrim area of the game.
  • Ran a little bit of SWTOR on a Jedi Knight character, still trying to find my groove again with that game while avoiding making new alts.
  • Got back into Craft the World (thanks, Cyndars) in preparation for the DLC coming out next week.


  • My Anor warden finished questing and Central Gondor and was disappointed that there was no storied tale for Pelargir.
  • In ESO, we attempted to remember how to play the game
  • For the Field Trip, we headed into the Forgotten Treasury, where we promptly forgot the order in which the statues rotated.
  • In my solo Civ VI game, I explored the final unexplored regions of the map

News Beyond LOTRO


Top Supporter for this month: LOTROBuild.com

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This week we did not receive any reviews.

Featured Comments


Glambold writes:

I think like most players I was not happy with the scrolls changes for LI’s that SSG decided to implement.

Having said that, I also did not like the grind in Minas Tirith as to get them as you could not start them directly from the quest giver but had to travel to start them.

I prefer the weeklies in Hultvis to the Minas Tirith dailies, though would like them to be available three times a week instead of two.

Each week at the moment I can do 12 quests and get as a reward 1800 Motes and 18 Scrolls Level 83, I convert the Motes to Scrolls and get 18 Scrolls Level 74.

If they changed this to three times a week or six days, it would be very close to what you got from Minas Tirith, though they were all up to 83 and not half at 74.

Thanks for the podcast.


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Gwaerendes @Gwaerendes

Celebathien @Celebathien

Final Thoughts

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1 thought on “LOTRO Players News Episode 395: How to Start A War Between Dwarves in 12 Easy Steps”

  1. I feel the need to defend myself somewhat. I have been playing since beta, by the time journeyman riding skill was a “thing” I already had multiple characters at level cap. So I did not think that store bought item was necessary. As time went on, and I started to play with other people that have not been playing as long as me, and hearing about how awesome that journey riding skill was from the store, (my wife being one of them), I took a look at it. And again I dismissed it for not being worth the lotro points. Here is my logic…..I have 9 toons at cap, I have most of my other toons that I play from time to time with a war steed, the only toons that could benefit from that store bought item would be the characters I roll in the Academy. Now at close to 3000 lotro points for that skill, I was not, and am not, about to spend those on that skill. I am much better off spending those points on things that will boost me for end game content, like Physical and Tactical mitigation scrolls, or Tomes of Defense. I know I may be taking up the rear when playing with you all on Fridays, but really I am only about 30 seconds behind “when” we are all heading in the right direction. Any other time I might be holding things up is when Celebathien and I are lost, (always good getting lost with you Celebathien…lol). So, no matter how great the Journeyman Riding Skill may be, for a player like myself, it just is not worth it. That all being said, any snarkyness this post may have a sound to it, is truly tongue in cheek, Feel free to poke fun at me as much as you all want, I rofl at it all, and enjoy it all immensely. Oh, one last thing, (as Colombo would say), Journeyman Riding Skill is not on sale, I checked it out today, to remind me of the numbers, it is going for the full price of 2995 Lotro points, so Beacon was wrong…..Keep up the great podcast and thank you all for keeping it going all these years. I look forward to next one…..

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