Update 28.3 Triples the LI Grind

A numerical breakdown of the changes to acquiring Scrolls of Empowerment being introduced in Update 28.3, which will make it take three to four times longer to max a Legendary Item’s legacies.

Update 28.3 release notes have been posted here: https://www.lotro.com/en/content/update-283-release-notes

These are the new reliable ways to get scrolls of empowerment for imbued level 100 LIs, with a breakdown of how long it will now take you to have your weapons ready to play endgame content. Remember, each LI needs 217-259 scrolls of empowerment after it has been imbued for it to unlock its full potential, and each character needs at least two LIs.

Maxing your imbued LI without using Motes or Embers of Enchantment:

If you need your Motes and Embers of Enchantment for gear still, this is the fastest way to acquire scrolls of empowerment for your LIs without spending any Motes or Embers on it.

Reaching Tier 59

49-91 scrolls needed per LI

6.5 scrolls per day from Minas Tirith Dailies

8-14 days per LI, at least 16-24 days per character

That is one to two weeks per LI, two and a half to three weeks minimum per character.

Reaching Tier 69*

70 scrolls needed per LI

0.85 scrolls per day from Restoring the Three Kingdoms (The quest resets biweekly and only grants 3 scrolls)

83 days per LI, at least 166 days per character

This equals 12 weeks of doing these quests twice a week for one LI, or a minimum of 24 weeks of doing these quests twice a week for each character. That is 3 months per LI of doing these dailies, folks, and a minimum of 6 months per character.

Reaching Tier 79*

70 scrolls needed per LI

1.7 scrolls daily from doing all three Protecting quests (each resets biweekly and grants 2 scrolls)

42 days per LI, at least 84 days per character

This equals 6 weeks of doing these quests twice a week for one LI, making it a minimum of 12 weeks of doing these quests twice a week for each character. That is a month and a half per LI, with a minimum of three months per character.

Reaching Tier 83

28 scrolls needed per LI

2 scrolls per day from March on Gundabad: Additional Steps (Daily)

14 days per LI, at least 28 days per character

That is two weeks per LI, approximately one month minimum per character.

Total Days:

147-153 days per LI, at least 294-306 days per character

That is 21 to 22 weeks per LI, with a minimum of 42 to 44 weeks per character. If you prefer, it is roughly five and a half months per LI with a minimum commitment of one year per play to max two LIs.

Previous time required for same LI cap:

34-42 days per LI, at least 68-84 days per character running Minas Tirith dailies for 6.5 scrolls per day.

This is roughly 5-6 weeks per LI, with a minimum of 10-12 weeks per character. Translated to months, it used to require around a month and a half to max one LI, or a minimum of three months per character.

* If you have both sets of these repeatable quests unlocked already, these tiers could be combined, as they both reset bi-weekly.

Combining these tiers would bring the requirement down to 55 days per LI to go from tier 59 to tier 79, with a minimum of 110 days per character. The weekly requirement would be 8.5 weeks per LI with a minimum of 17 weeks per character or just over 2 months per LI with a minimum of 4.25 months per character.

Totals with this combination would be 77-83 days per LI, which is a minimum of 154-166 days per character. This translates to 11 to 12 weeks per LI, with 22-24 weeks minimum per character. This means it would take roughly 3 months per LI, and a minimum of 6 months per character which is still double the previous requirement.

Maxing your imbued LI using Motes of Enchantment Available:

For a slightly faster way to acquire scrolls of empowerment using Motes of Enchantment, but still only running one round of dailies per day, this is the route to take.

Reaching Tier 59

49-91 scrolls needed per LI

6.5 scrolls per day from Minas Tirith Dailies

8-14 days per LI, at least 16-24 days per character

That is one to two weeks per LI, two and a half to three weeks minimum per character.

Reaching Tier 74

105 scrolls needed per LI

2 scrolls daily from Mordor Allegiance Dailies

53 days per LI, 106 days per character

That is 7.5 weeks per LI, a minimum of 15 weeks per character. Which translates to nearly 2 months per LI, with a minimum of around 4 months per character.

Reaching Tier 83

63 scrolls required per LI

2 scrolls daily from March on Gundabad: Additional Steps (Daily)

32 days per LI, at least 64 days per character

This is 4.5 weeks per LI, a minimum of 9 weeks per character, or just over one month per LI with a minimum of just over two months per character.

Total Days:

93-99 days per LI, at least 186-198 days per character

13-15 weeks per LI, at least 26-30 weeks per character. This means 3.5-4 months per LI, 7-8 months per character.

Previous time required for same LI cap:

34-42 days per LI, at least 68-84 days per character running Minas Tirith dailies for 6.5 scrolls per day.

This is roughly 5-6 weeks per LI, with a minimum of 10-12 weeks per character. Translated to months, it used to require around a month and a half to max one LI, or a minimum of three months per character.

Side Note:

There is currently a notable lack of ways to acquire scrolls from the Minas Morgul and the Wells of Langflood content. This could be fixed in a future update to make it more reasonable to acquire the 217-259 scrolls needed to max a single imbued LI.

3 thoughts on “Update 28.3 Triples the LI Grind”

  1. It takes 44.31 days with the new system:
    14 days doing tier 59+ quests = 91 tier 59, 12 tier 69, 24 tier 79, 28 tier 83
    20.3 days doing tier 69+ quests = 17 tier 69, 35 tier 79, 41 tier 83 (used for tier 69)
    10.01 days doing tier 79+ quests = 17.2 tier 79, 20 tier 83 (used for tier 79)
    Then you can use your 28 tier 83 reserved from the first 14 days

  2. Do an Anvil of Winterstith raid to pick up 3000+ motes from dismantling excess gear in an afternoon, that’s good for 30 scrolls to Tier 74 and a goat if you set the quest up right the first time. I didn’t set the goat quest up right and I ended up with 69 scrolls and a goat over the span of two afternoons. I was actually aiming for the goat.

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