What do you do when you’re past level 75 and still in Dunland or you’ve liked the story of Mazog and cleaned Mirkwood completely? Besides the “gondor expansion” nearly every level range was released as Expansion + questpack. And if you’re not in a Judge dredd kill every quest mode one of each part is usually stepped over. Not completely forgotten, but we’ll go over some parts that you might in these zones.
Caras Galadhon
There have probably been more screenshots made in Lothlorien then people questing there after 2015. While the Mirrormere has some nice and dense questing once people reach Haldir they are sent back into Moria for the instances and epic story.
Do you enjoy the rustic scenery, deeds and elf-reps? You might want to stay for a bit and listen as the trees sing songs for you and vice-versa. Bask in the Fellowships presence and enjoy some nice little easter eggs. Just don’t forget to bring a parachute and new horseshoes for your mount.
Mirkwood isn’t often forgotten, but the final storyline in Enedwaith is. The mystery of the Huntsman remains a chapter without official closure. The Lichbluffs feature the resurrection of evil with Mournshaws getting the same treatment spiritually. Who is strong enough to battle this unknown foe in Ost Dunhoth. Once you find the information about the Huntsman he agrees to help you out. But who is he?
Going full-size person to toe with giants for a good challenge (previous fellowship area) can also be a nice change of pace.
Easterling and Sarumans threat
10 levels later you get to experience the end of Saruman inside the instances, but on the landscape there is plenty of questing to be done before venturing to Rohan. In the epic you go through several different times of failed assault by the Rohirim and the battle of the Isen. Only to be captured and get a unique cosmetic set.
Or you can get a feeling of the Rohirric landscape in the Great river. Don’t forget to get the teaser about the threat that the Easterlings pose in Rushgore and learn of the threat they pose to a little corner of Ents in the Brown lands.
Extra bits of Rohan and more Isengard
While not often forgotten you could go for some extra bits of Rohan in Wildemore with it’s unique sidestory of Nurzhum. Or finally get to see the results of your questing while rebuilding Hytbold. Wildermore stands out as a separate well written story area that’s not found in the Lotr books with Hytbold having gotten a revamp that makes it a lot more pleasant and less grindy then before.
If you’re looking for a break of the plains of Rohan you could visit Fangorn forest for a chance of some cute little Huorn pets while doing the dailies there or if you’re wondering what happened to sSengard after the ents took their revenge. Visit Isengard not from the west, but head to the Isen from the east and you’ll find a post-battle Isengard. Including some pipeweed.