George and the Yule slot machine

Opinion piece written with the current state and no comments from SSG – 12-12 10 Pm GMT

The ghost of christmas past appeared and told George of Mordorian pasts. People could trade for gear, pets and other goods. Some even bought extra’s, but atleast you could slowly get your own or trade these items for yourself.

Grims of christmas spawning

Times went ahead and he was visisted by the spirit of christmas present. No longer could you trade yourself a friendly critter or fancy pants. But if you set your mind to it you could figment them into existence.

George woke up rattled by chains and the haunting of the apparition of christmasses yet to come. Spin the wheel for a new friend George, he weezed. Otherwise you’ll only find a white wolf dog in your chicken coop.

Christmas Carols aside, once we thought SSG had found a great middle ground in the whole lootbox saga. Little missteps here and there, but eventually you could spend cash or get yourself some Figments of discovery. That was until this Yule festival.

Special Winter Gifts will be added to Hobbit Gifts for a limited time starting on December 12th. You can receive festive housing decorations and cosmetic pets, with some available on the Silver Gifts and others available on the Gold Hobbit Gifts. The Gold Winter Gift also offers a chance to receive a new Elk steed.

The simple fact is that these items can only be gotten a 1 time a day or week. Or spend mithril coins to reset them as much as you want. Unlimited spinning a wheel hoping for that 1 item you’re hoping for? Sure sounds a slot machine. Surely there is some sort of limitation or duplicate protection in it?

Limited testing, but so far

  1. Items only available in the slot machine
    1. No figment option found (so far)
    2. Unavailable for Yule tokens
    3. No store option
  2. Duplicates are possible
    1. 3/5 rolls were wallpapers
    2. 1 person got 2 Yule pigs
  3. Items are all bound to account (especially bad with pets)
  4. Unlimited resets for that extra gambler click click click
  5. Rounds with no “extra’ gifts

Slippery slope keeps sliding

They made their nice website pages with rarity for Lootboxes and hobbit presents. They made a statement about never having the best gear available for lootboxes and they mostly sticked with it. It all seemed pretty good.

The limited time available packages such as Bomburs bounty appeared in the store. Followed by the curator creating a 1 week window to get some wanted cosmetics. A legendary catch-up box for just 1 week in the store. Now to be followed up with a not even trying to hide slotmachine for some really great cosmetic items and pets.

Really makes you feel like the studio worked more on these items then the 6 shades of wolf-dogs in Minas Morgul or banner fest Sigils. And is this going to continue? Got to admit it. They sneakily worked around the lootbox = figment barter promise with this.

One comment

  1. FTLNewsFeed /

    That’s what got me, the fact that you could only get these items through the lootboxes and that they were the majority of new items for the Yule festival this year. If it was like Harvestmath where you could barter for them and then have a chance to get lucky from chests then I’d understand, but relying on lady luck to get something that you’d like doesn’t seem right.

    And I got a pig from my gold gift, so I shouldn’t be one to complain, but I still will.

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