The probably good Minas Morgul prep guide

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A short non-definitive guide to what you could do to prepare for the Minas morgul expansion.

Why probably good?

The amount of betas are limited and even then most information hasn’t been confirmed to be 100% correct. So we’re working with a lot of assumptions and guesses. So take it with a grain of salt.

Deeds and challenges

All challenges in lotro are only available at the level cap. So in 2 weeks they will only be available at level 130. And you’ll be far worse equipped to tackle them then now. For an extra thing that the higher tiers for U23 and U24 instances will either be missing the scions or tier 4 and 5 for at least a while.

Legendary weapons and virtue (xp)

With the expansion you will need 1 extra crystal and 1 empowerment scroll per legacy for each weapon you have. This will be very easy, but you may as well have them ready. The virtue xp from the Vales dailies will probably move to a new area. Save any miscellaneous deeds with virtue xp for after the launch if you’re nearly capped. They wil be lvl 65 once you get to 130.

Gear prep before Minas Morgul

In this department there isn’t much you can do. The stats you will need get are about twice you need at the moment. So most gear you have atm will be replaced in the upcoming weeks. Save your highest essences for new gear cause they will be better then nothing.

One question mark is if you can safe big battle boxes and open them at 130. Before they would scale to the level they were opened, but on the last beta these were horribly bugged. Rumors are they have been changed. What these changes are, no idea.

Embers won’t be downgraded to motes or figment like it happened with seals and medallions before. Stock up to the cap of 10.000 and save them for launch to fill up holes in your inventory.

Gear after release

It looks to be a repeat for Ered mithrin. You’ll get yellow and purple gear with hardly any essences slots for your journey to 130. After that you can upgrade in new instances at an item level that will be increased over time. 

Essences so far will be acquired through landscape drops in yellow and purple variants. Crafted essences will be available at a (too) later date. And it will hopefully not turn into a borefest like Utterby farm like last time. But i’m not keeping my hope up for that.

Scaled instances such as School, skirmishes and Sambrog etc will be adequate, but limited due to 10-20 item levels lower, no essence slots and loss of stats such as might/agility/will.

Where to find gear after release

There are 4 new 3-man instances with 2 6-mans released at a later date. These will contain the easiest farmable gear.

U23 and U24 instances atm scale to 130 as well and Glimmerdeep would be a very easy quick alternative. But they disabled scaling before upon release.

Quest tokens will be a good choice to fill out any slots you might be musing from leveling and instances. Use them sparely. I haven’t seen what dailies or repeatable quests are out there yet.

Osgiligath and Minas Tirith 4-slot from T1/T2 farms will be the best and longest lasting if you can get your hands on them. Essences will be a nightmare to get in that quantity though.

Old tricks to remember

Nearly all gear will be bound to account. So safe all armour for alts or perhaps run a 3-heavy group to trade tanking and dps with your friends in instances.

Use reputation accelerators to make sure to hit kindred on your first character to gear him quicker. 

You can overwrite essences now so just toss in any lower quality essences or level 120 you won’t use now.

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