1 thought on “Where in Middle-earth is Emerallina: #16”
King’s Crossing in Evendim gives a magnificent view of the whole area. i love the quest that takes you up here. many screenshots have I taken from up here.
Today in a stream, Frelorn announced that Update 16: Ashes of Osgiliath will be releasing on May 4th. There will be a final test build this weekend on the test
Welcome back to the second edition of Pineleaf’s Pictorial Primer to Skirmishing. In this series, we will look at each of the skirmishes in The Lord of the Rings Online.
Both LOTRO Support and DDO Support are suggesting that all players remove Pando Media Booster if you still have it installed “If you still have Pando Media Booster
King’s Crossing in Evendim gives a magnificent view of the whole area. i love the quest that takes you up here. many screenshots have I taken from up here.