LOTRO Players News Episode 299: Spiders in the Snow

LOTRO Players News Episode 299: Spiders in the Snow post thumbnail image

This week we discussed Update 23.4.1 and our week in LOTRO.

Game News

Update 23.4.1 Patch Notes

LOTRO Beacon Issue 104


Store Sales

Follow in Frodo’s Footsteps! Get 20% off now through April 4th:

  • Select Quest Packs
  • 100% XP Boosts
  • Mithril Coins
  • Max Morale & Power Scrolls


The Weekly Coupon gets you a Skill and Slayer Deed Boost x1 with coupon code SKILLSLAYDEED now through  April 4th!


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LOTRO Players News

Bullroarer’s Challenge – A Brief Guide to “Drunken Fence Walking”

Science behind a dead hobbit – Part 1 When do you die?

Where in Middle-earth is Emerallina?


Teri’s cosmetic pick of the week:

Galadhrim Warden from Cosmetic LOTRO


New Player Question

What are the purposes of shield spikes and shield spike removal kits?




  • Earned a festival goat on several characters
  • Attempted to leave Sans in Hobbiton-Bywater en-route to Gloin’s camp while epic questing. Was going to attempt to take Pineleaf as well. It didn’t work. 🙁
  • Ported around Middle-earth with Sans.



  • Found the Paths of the Dead on the field trip, but didn’t take them.
  • Gained the fishslap emote on several alts on Anor.
  • Avoided being left in Hobbiton-Bywater en-route to Gloin’s camp while epic questing.



  • Burglar reached Elthengels
  • My Anor warden now has four skirmish encounter deeds completed. I also noticed that Storm on Methedras is now available even though I couldn’t find it before the patch.
  • During the Friday Night fights, we ran the first three Helegrod dungeons.


News Beyond LOTRO

Lord of the Rings: Gollum Video Game In The Works


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This week we did not receive any reviews.


Featured Comments

Merryrose Morningsong left a comment on last week’s show:

Fun show, thank you! I just want to say how much fun I’ve been having on the legendary server while questing in Moria. And it’s all because of the Lotro community. I’ve lost count how many characters on all servers that are going through Moria, but this just feels different. Random players have been mailing me class LIs. It’s a slight exaggeration to say I salivate like Pavlov’s dogs when in-game mail arrives, but it is safe to say when new mail comes I do get excited. Other players have mentioned they have had the same experience. So that Delete button for unwanted class LIs is being ignored for now. It’s too much fun to mail someone else drops who can use them, especially when it’s a 2nd Ager. Take care & can’t wait for the big 300!

Hobbit wave & hug,




This week we did not receive any emails.

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Final Thoughts

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1 thought on “LOTRO Players News Episode 299: Spiders in the Snow”

  1. Hey Playahs! I wanted to chime in regarding the Shield Spikes question which was discussed in this past week’s show as my main is a Guard. In addition to setting the weapon damage type to Beleriand, Ancient Dwarf or Westernesse, Most Shield Spike Kits also increase the Critical Chance of Shield attacks, starting at relatively modest levels, but up to 7% with Anorien crafted Spikes. This amount can also be increased using legacy traits for Guards adding another 5% of Crit chance in blue line (not sure about wardens) though some guards don’t recommend slotting these traits pts since dmg output is not the central role of a tanking guard.
    I will say that slotting shield spikes as a Red Guard either in groups or when soloing can make a sigifnicant difference in dmg output from my experience as critting with a shield skill has some of the best damage output of any Guard skill and even when tanking in Blue line, when you can hit 8 trash mob targets with Shield Smash potentially critting on multiple mobs for 20-40k or more, it can make a big difference.
    Remember, we are Guards! We are not used to putting up those kinds of numbers like every other class! So I do recommend utilizing them as a regular course to speed up your soloing!
    On the question of Shield Spike Removal Kits, there application is definitely a niche situational thing. When grouping, there are times when a guard wants to hold a boss mobs attention WITHOUT doing significant damage or in general slowing damage output because it might be reflecting or he might be approaching a Morale threshold which will trigger mechanics in a raid or instance that the rest of the Fellowship needs to be ready for. For example in the Silent Streets where the party needs to be prepared to quickly DPS the two Adds (Earnil and Mardil) within a certain timeframe to achieve the Challenge Mode.
    So in at least a few cases, Guard’s ability to Manager the Main Boss’s Overall Morale and have control over it, can be important. Big Crits decrease the control via their unpredictability…
    Hope this helps/makes sense!
    – Braag Son of Balin
    Former Proprietor of the Light The Beacons Podcast now on Hiatus due to Grima (as far as you know).

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