[CC] A Clucky winter wonderland

Everything was quiet
In a peacefull crittersland
That was until 3 little boys arrived. Screaming bloody chants. Summoning dark spirits from yonder
What’s that over there?

A snowman came to life. Run my little snowman, George shouted
The little snowman couldn’t hear him. Clucklands *bokking was too loud. A portal was opened and the spirit got out.

George needed help. With Gandalf still busy organizing an expedition into Ered Mithrin. As he made his way to Ost Goruth he knocked on Tom Bombadils door. Not a single peep was heard. Must be on a family visit in Valinor George thought. Lets hope Radagast is back from the Beorning lands.

Portals everywhere, the mending with Middle-earth was starting. The Yule-time was nearly upon Radogast. Defeating his good other half was his plan. Never to be reunited with himself. Leading the world of Beierland with Sauron now defeated and elfs departing.
Unbeknownst to most. The sundering of Numenor didn’t only split the world. But good and evil split as well. As the Elfs and man disavowed Illuvatar he tried to rid the world of all evil made by Morgoth in one fell swoop. The world got sundered and all went well. Part of the world didn’t get shaped well. An alternate universe was created.
Evil turned good and good turned evil. Cuddly became Nemesis and Maiar went rogue. One day of the year the planes overlap enough for visitor to cross the boundaries. One such day was Yule.
Invislbe barrier arrived
Skies turned Shire-plum

As the world overlaid, the The 5 Black wizards arrived in the Lone-lands. With their powers combined they managed to fend off Radogast for long enough to not allow him to cross over. Middle-earth would be safe for 1 more year. But with the help from the Goats and a few Cluckland chickens less corporeal spirits switched sides. Elementals grew restless and Frostbluff froze over.

As George made its way to Ost Goruth to find Radagast. An uneventful stable ride was rudely interrupted. You were defeated Mordirth!, George!? how are you alive? A long confusing tale was told by both (too long and riddled with plot holes). But by the end of the night.
Unlikely alliances were made

Mordrith was here for only 1 thing. And it wasn’t mediation.
Return the world to how it once was. Every entrant to Middle-Earth would come back with him. Together George and the Black wizard would face this flailing snowdrift.
A hefty dose of Angmar management was needed to convince the grim. And the little kids were happy

Frostbluff was back to normal as the mending left it tropic.
Nearly everything. The kids gotten a new friend in the fields. Snow not-so-grim resided now in the hills to keep an eye over the snowball fields and the Clucklanders. Yule was over for another few months as encore was just around the corner.

A happy 2019 from Lotroplayers, Squirle and Critters Journey.

Don’t understand a thing of it? Inspiration taking from Star trek’s Alternate evil universe crossover into Lotro ;). If might even recognize some more crossovers and happy little bugs from lotros last year.

One comment

  1. Merryrose Morningsong /

    Always a delight to read these critter adventures. So very fun to pretend. Thank you, Squirle!

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