[CC] A lament of CoS

Surrounding systems can make or break an instance. Even the most basic place can look enticing if you need it’s loot. Everyone needed the loot of Seregrost. Court of Seregrost ins’t your standard basic place. With update 23 the nicest loot will leave our presence. But will Seregrost leaves our minds and hearts?

Hear me out, you will miss CoS.
Each era of lotro has had it’s instance that you ran so much you ended up hating it at that time. Quick, not too hard, enticing loot (in quantities) and a reason to not go beyond this one place. Thorog, Ruined city, Sambrog, Halls of crafting, Silent street and Court of Seregrost are all shaped by world around them. None of them are bad, some are even the best of their clusters. You were just put in them a few too many times

Best all-round 3-mans around?
Over the last year I’ve seen a lot of small fellowships in the 99 instance series. Pretty much every single one has a massive flaw. Ranging from far too easy like School or library; a near impossible challenge in the Forsaken Inn; too lengthy; wiki-needed like Mirrors or taking far too long unless “exploited” like Ruined City. Seregrost begins to drag itself out of the muck you’d wish it on him.

I know, nearly everyone won’t miss CoS for the next few months. Even if it would still drop anfalas crystals and empowerment scrolls. There will be new instances, everyone will be running these and you wont need the extra 105 gear to survive Udun.  So why would you still want to run it then?

Near perfect mix without Mordor to hold it back
In nearly all it it forms its perfect in it’s run time. Run it at a lower level to see the instance, grab the lost lore pages and have a fun time with your group. Trying to grab some gear for your hobbit is fine at T1. Even if you might not make it too the end, each boss has some (of the same) loot in a decent time.

If you’re up for it you can take on T2 or the challenge. Scaling pretty well with the gear you’ve and the group your in it can be done in about 30-45 mins. Going in under geared will test you. Offsetting it with dps, kiting, tanking or stressing your healer out.  Or are you feeling superior to lhareatth and wanting to farm her? Even that’s up on the table, ash, embers or runes are up for the grab. Never empty handed, but sometimes that extra shiny to keep you coming back with the golden signets or runes.

Bosses for every class
Nearly every combination of classes do work well. Each boss has little tweaks for each group. Two dps with a captain tank using revealing mark. A beorning with two mobile classes for boss 1. Or a guardian using shield wall on a fire runekeeper on boss 2 with some slight heals from a loremaster. Going with an aoe champ for the adds on the cauldrons or warden kiting all the bats. Each can choose their path. Some are better at one part, but it will even out along the way. The only one left out would be a burglar i’d think.No aoe and no need for CC is not that a recipe for thieving success.

Where will Cos land?
In a few months when Cos hate has died down a little, we’d might just look back at it. Slowly new lotroplayers will ask if someone is up for it. Nearly everyone will have it since mordor is hard to skip and might be on sale. It won’t give you as much xp as warg pens, but it has been a while. You’re wondering why you hate it and realize it wasn’t Cos. It was everything surrounding it. The ash isn’t there, no endless scrolls or crystals that make you farm it for hours upon end on every alt. it might even be the only instance you’’d remember in Mordor by that time.

A solid, timely, not too hard if you want to instance that might even have some nice nostalgia for you. If it scales well and has some decent scaled loot you might even want to do it on your level 120.

The best all round 3-man instance? It might just be.


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