[CC] End game loot, lootbox in U23 and beyond redux

When mordor launched we got lootboxes for everyone.  On monday we got an update to the plans for lootboxes and end game gear by Severlin (executive producer of lotro). The short version is that

In general, instance gear will be better than questing gear, raid gear will be better than instance gear, and content with higher tiers of difficulty will reward better gear than easier content. This is pretty much how things work now.

Our new currency for our end game barter gear in update 23 and beyond is Embers of Enchantment. Embers can be earned for doing weekly quests, and by deconstructing gear (current 120)  you don’t want.

Or for the original/full version check the Post by Severlin

SSG guidelines/rules  for future endgame loot and lootboxes
This will result in two rules they will set themselves for making gear available at either a barterer or from a lootbox

  1.  The Ember vendors (level 120 barters) won’t have gear from the most recent end game group content until around two or so weeks after that content is released
  2. Lootboxes have cosmetics, gear – with identical gear available from the Ember vendors, and some Embers. The gear and cosmetics will be available on the Embers vendor at the same time it debuts in a lootbox

What this means for yourself depends on how you play of course. But if you want to be at the forefront and get the best gear more now then later. You have to play the game (as most would agree is a good thing).

Over time, barter options or lootboxes will contain gear that allow you to catch up. But will never put you at the front. It is possible to get better gear then someone else that is not gearing up as fast as the curve SSG thinks the quickest x % is.

A rough overview for what gear is available to get from sources and their difficulty in U23 (and beyond)

Ash changes
There will be two type of ashes available going forward (Max level and the rest)

  1. Embers of enchantment (max level) to barter max level (now 120) gear
  2. Motes of enchantment (the rest) to barter < 120 gear and older update materials
    1. Every new update all Embers will be converted to Motes
    2. For example 115 gear, mordor pets or cosmetics will be bartered with motes/ash

This is comparable to how seals, medallions and marks worked before. Seals you got from raids or challenges. These seals + marks could be used to barter the best gear. When a new expansion launched all seals were turned into medallions.

Loot boxes and keys are store-only

The role loot boxes and black steel keys will play in the will change drastically. You won’t be able to get (new) black steel keys from daily quests. Instead it will reward Embers (for max level repeatables) or motes (for lower level repeatables). But keys you will already have will unlock both current and new loot boxes. So use them wisely ( at level 120 for Embers or later when new barters are in-game).

  1. Lootboxes can (eventually) only be opened by store bought keys. These will follow the above rules.
  2. All current and future quests that reward black steel keys will instead give you motes or embers instead
Comparison for black steel keys and bartering

This is their objective, but keep communicating (politely) if they don’t

Loot boxes are not required to gear up, but can be used to help you catch up on gearing, and acquire cool new cosmetics. If you don’t want to buy a key for a loot box, you can instead run content to earn Embers for the items. We absolutely want to reward players who are awesome enough to support the long-term success of the game by opening loot boxes, and get joy in doing it, but we don’t want players to feel like they are forced to open loot boxes in order to play or excel in the game.

I hope this overview will help you understand what changes there will be in Update 23 regarding the best gear and what (reduced) role loot boxes will play in there. Personally less lootbox and more lotro is a good thing. The new system looks to be an improvement over the current system.

5 thoughts on “[CC] End game loot, lootbox in U23 and beyond redux”

  1. I’ve been a casual player for 11 years. I don’t raid, have never done a T2 (or anything) instance, and I hate the skirmishes. I now feel like I’m being penalized for my loyalty and play style. My guess is your don’t care about players like me – all new content lately seems geared towards the hard-core raiders. Frankly, it makes me consider leaving the game. Any suggestions?

    1. What makes you think that content is made lately for hard-core raiders? Last update U22 is entirely solo content, last expansion (U21) is mix: 5 regions + allegiances for solo players + instances (and raid introduced later). However Mordor group content consist of only 1 small, 1 broken full fellowship and 1 raid, which isn’t as big, hard or bug free as earlier. COS gives relevant loot even at lvl105 T1 which any lvl115 player can do solo being drunk or ill, which didn’t happen before. So hard-core raiders complain they have nothing to do and I can understand that (I didn’t raid myself since 5 years or so).
      Lotro has a cycle to please group oriented and solo players. So next update is meant to be group oriented, but that doesn’t mean it won’t have solo content. It just means it will include instances besides normal/next region to quest/explore etc.
      Do you remember they used to make landscape group content like Limlight Gorge in Great River? They are not doing this any more, you could complain indeed if they did…
      I think you can be just tired or bored with Lotro. If you see Lotro content as you described maybe take a break for few/several months?

    1. It is not just the black steel keys that SSG is removing from all types of game play, sturdy steel keys will also be completely removed. The only way to acquire a key to open a loot box will be through keys purchased directly from the Lotro store. I fail to see how this is an improvement to the game? Loot boxes will continue to drop after update 23 as they always have but not the keys to open them. What this means in game is that the price for sturdy steel and black steel keys will shoot through the roof! Where as the loot boxes they open will become practically worthless.

      Here is my question: “Once the supply of all pre-update 23 keys are pretty much used up who is going to want to spend real money on keys to get something out of a loot box that is solely determined by chance? Better to buy the item directly so as not to possibly waste the LP. As it is now, we can earn keys through random drops, deed/quest rewards, dailies and from year 3 and 7 anniversary boxes. This all goes towards reducing the risk of opening loot boxes! But this will disappear if they go through with their current plans for update 23.

      Severlin does state that their new system is designed to allow players to earn the rewards in loot boxes through barter vendors for various amounts of embers which also come in various flavors. These embers can be earned through game play but NOT the keys. Why do this??? Why give us one method to earn items without store purchasing them only to take it away and give us something else which is completely unknown and untested by the players? Again, not sure why this is an improvement or why it is even necessary or even to spend valuable resources to implement? Please, someone convince me!


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