Protecting the lands of Eriador ever since the fall of Arnor the rangers of the north roamed the forests and farmlands of Bree and the Lone lands. But as the rangers and the Grey company moved south and later answered the call upon the Pelenor fields.
Their vacancy was quickly filled by brigands and half-orcs assaulting Bree. As you approach the south gate of Bree on your travels back you find the gate closed. Unfamiliar with how a skirmish work you get introduced to them by level 20.

Retaking Bree from wolves and brigands
Thievery and mischief (intro)After a small introduction you will assault the south gate and the house of Bill Ferny. Collaborating with the half-orcs and brigands he has to pay for the burning of Archet and the occupation of Bree. But first the auction hall has to be liberated.
After the intro you can do the complete skirmish for Thievery and Mischief and retake the entire of Bree. The forces have retaken the south gate and the vault. Wrestling down the hunters alley you come across orcs ransacking houses. The short-cut to the town hall is open and clearing it to give the mayor a chance to re-open his tourism office is priority number one.
Facing Balak in Bree is confusing as he is also present in Angmar. Send out by Saruman to ally himself with the angmarim shows the integrate webbing spun by evil across Middle-earth. The angmarim can later be spotted as far south as the Trollshaws and Eregion. Balak was successful as far as the capture of Bree where he and other orcs and brigand leaders meet their end in the solo or groups.
Thievery and mischief is a fun and quick skirmish that can get pretty challenging as your party grows. The additional leaders each provide a different challenge to overcome. In a raid the buffs they give for such a small area makes it hard to counter their tactics. But story wise the encounters and named mobs give a great mix of small influence (goretusk) and greater enemies (Bill ferny).
Defence of the prancing pony (intro)
Facing the henchman of Saruman/Sharkey in the intro you make sure they meet their maker for the betrayal of Bree and its citizens. They took refuge in the Prancing Pony and after losing the southern part of Bree the brigands are out for revenge.
The gloves come of and the half-orcs show their face in full force. Assisted by torch bearers trying to burn down the pony with everyone inside. With them sending increasing number of enemies as the resistance from your party (size) grows. The Defence is a popular option for raids and ranks among the most popular defensive skirmishes due its relative central area and quick waves.
In the last wave you’re faced with Gollag and his isengard wargs. At the time you’ve never seen an uruk and had no idea what Isengard would be. Replaying the skirmish a few year later after you have faced Saruman or read the lord of the rings knowing who Sharkey is will show you how important the Defence of Bree-land was.
Misery and evil loves company
After the battle of Gandalf the Grey at Weathertop and the pit stop of the nazgul in the Barrow downs, lesser evil is attracted to these places. It’s your task to join caindaith to Assault on Amon sul and make your stand at the top in any weather.
At the top, you will find Candaith surrounded by campfires as they die down the wights, spirits and evil comes closer and closer. Their light disperses the shadow and your party is better off lighting them as you finally faces off Naradur the cargul.

Stand at Amon Sul
As you put up your camp in the Barrow downs night draws in. Barghests, wights and other creatures of the night assault your camp. You will have to try and survive every assault and wave set upon you.
Stand is a great skirmish for atmosphere, but has dwindled as less and less people have bought the skirmish separately. Only older players of Vip have access to this place these days. Same as with Survival, but this one is deed-heaven and remains a challenge to accomplish. Both in difficulty, endurance and finding people.