[CC] 99 instances – Level cap 60 moria 2 of 4

Level 60 launch moria instances

Back when Mines of Moria launched it came with the two instances we spoke about in Part 1.  Where meant to give you a start in Moria this article is about the “endgame” fellowship instances. You were level 60 and had set your eye all the jewelry and the Moria medallions for your fancy set bonus armor.  Describing everything in these places would make for another 3 articles. Thankfully each had a different feeling to them.

All hail the melee hunter

History – changing vital stats
When Lotro and Moria launched the stats you would look for would vary across each character. As a hunter you would need will for power, fate for regenerating power, migh

t for crit rating etc. These days your main focus is Vitality + Agility. Each class has their main stats reduced to Vitality + 1. Secondary stats like critical rating or mitigation’s are gotten from other sources then your armor. Newer content was designed with these changes in mind, but older armor sets haven’t been fixed retroactively. 

Dark delving – wiping and making progress
Venturing into the depths of Moria you found yourself in the depths among Foundations of stone. Nameless creatures, hatchlings and lots of worms would come your way. The Delving is probably the hardest 6-man in Moria. Even without the challenge each of the bosses had the chance to wipe the floor with you.  Only to be swept away by the Vile gust (a buff that boosts any mob in the instance on a timed interval)

Thats no orc

What makes Delving unique its the challenge. The void-eater has the biggest knockback ingame. And will give you as many wurms as an uncooked hobbit saucage. Get slowed and eaten alive by them as your tank finds his way back up the spire is agonizing. Not knowing about the Vile gust is another nice touch that you do not know about at that time.

Doom-speaker speaks your doom if your too slow on dps. Every ⅓ of his morale he summons mobs that could give him melee, ranged or tactical immunity. If you got the world-eater, didnt interupt and he fully healed. Its time wipe. And that would only be 1 of his mechanics

Gurvand will welcome you into his room and politley askes you to not touch his runestones. Will you listen to him and go for the challenge and better rewards or take it easier and not have youre tank get pummeled with 100% extra dmaage?

Fight fire with fire is what they say and plenty of heat here. Even the goblins have water pouches. After the long evening in the Dark Delving the Forges are quick. First boss dead? Make your way down the slopes within 30 minutes for the challenge.

Dhaub and its never evending waves of goblin kegg carriers and trolls is waiting for you at the half way point. Closing the 6 tunnels with said keggs will give you two trolls hammering your group. Killed the trolls? Nope, Graub is very protective and will heal them for you. Going the other way around, boss before adds and you will succeed.

Boss 3 and 4 will take you for a tour of the massive forge in the middle. Flame jets will burn you to crisps if your at the wrong place. Thrug will learn you this staionary while Krankluk will call for help and take you on a tour.  Eventually you will find your way around each boss and the loot will show itself.

Fil gashan
Mechanics and puzzles. Every pugs nightmare will take place here. While fighting your way up to the 3rd floor isn’t that hard. Only general Talug has a new way tactic to adopt to. But the challenge here is in the landscape. Only 1 sentry can warn the garrisoned orcs. 1 person will have to find disguises on the ground floor for the party to wear.  And repeat this for the second floor.

Killing the 2nd boss for the key to floor 3 is done. Evade the sentries on the 3rd floor and make your way to the General. Armour as thick as Bombur will be waiting for you. Lure the general into the traps laid down by the guard to douse him in oil. What burns oil? A guard carrying fire (how convenient). Kill it close the him and his armor will melt away and go vent your frustration on him for the challenge bestowed upon him by Turbine.

What you got for us here?

Sixteenth hall
There is always that instance you forgot about. For Moria its the sixteenth hall. Its an instance with a great story to it. The realm of the dwarves taking over by goblins and orcs after the Balrog came around. And slowly being taken from the orcs by the nameless. Fighting down the corridors and plazas the orcs have encountered a strange fungus. Slowly being corrupted by it and turned into the globsnaga.

Boss 1 is a trueblood easy orc and boss 2 will is a sickly orc surrounded by fungus and mushrooms. The lost one will be found at the bottom and will teach you every skill or piece of armopur that has reflect or a smidge of aoe as you curse your party member for failing the challenge.

Challenging Grand stairs for the most run moria instance could be Skumfil. Give it, it might be to the shear number of deeds still to be gotten in this place for any level. Skumfil is one of the few remaining instances that multiple modes and routes to do.

Kill Bonetooth on the left side and the right door will close. Making your way right will lead you to Uammaethor and a sealed left side. Each side has their 2nd boss room and a final boss giving you a quest. Tales tell of spider that made its home in the garbagepile that is the bottom of Moria.

Checking upon the opposite side will reward you with the key to his domain. The three stages, constant re spawns and knock backs in mobs that you tried to skip make it this fight either a pain or a breeze. But you won’t go this way that often. The deeds are on top.

Another run anyone?
We’ll make a little detour from Moria to focus on one boss only raids of which 2 are in this part of Moria. The other has as many bugs as skumfil so we’ll stick that dragon in there as well.


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