The Norbog News #3 – Mail system swamped and loud hobbits

With the influx of treasure for Middle-earth and Sauron defeated, the Free people are looking for ways to spend their gold. Luxury items, pimped out Runestones and rare dyes are becoming the rage among the neavou-riche. In addition a growing number of blue-collar jobs that are being vacated by crafters and hunters to take fishing vacations and wildlife safaris in Northern Mirkwood.

The norbog news delved into the problems that these new goldonaires leave in their wake as they move across Middle-earth.

Editorial – Couldnt have been a worse timing
The new goldonaires, spring festival, closure of the Mirkwood forest gate trading route, renaming of Mirkwood suprising customs and increased trade all cummilating into a span of 2 weeks have led to shortage in the workforce in several areas across Middle-earth. Even during the final editing of this newsletter we were confronted by it ourselves.

Not the spring leaves you’re looking for

Spring-ing into action
Endevarous metal smiths trying to prepare for the Spring festival have led to a shortage of Barrow- and rich iron ore. Due to a translation error this guild thought the barter system would be changed to spring-loaded mechanics that looked like leaves. Alas for those, it still are just normal leaves from new saplings.

In turn, the Wold wild life commission protested against the treatment of flowers and saplings for their leaves. Stomping real life shrews is “not only wrong, but also illegal”, as published in a letter by the commission.

Communication channels flooded 
The commonly used communication programs around Middle-earth have been brought to a halt. With online advertisement switched to a pay per message basis. A loophole was created in the payment process. They just repeat the same message for the same price. New guidelines have been set out, but these are being appealed and drawn out in Elvish court proceedings.

Broadcast equipment confiscated
The breakdown of /world chat has let organizers to look at alternatives. The hobbits of northern Bree have amped the volume of their festival broadcast equipment. Causing the quaint chickens to escape their Maze enclosure due to excessive volume levels. In turn these hobbits feel the entirety of Bree-land needs to be warned that the Chickens have escaped the maze. Authorities have stepped in and confiscated the amplifiers for the time being.

Mail and vault systems ques up to alarming length
Due to an increased trade in before worthless filth and rusty scimitars, and the green dye shortage the queues for mail boxes, banks and vaults across Middle-earth have their waiting times over 2 hours before depositing or taken your loot.  Even retired vault keepers from Erebor are being drafted back into service. Bard II commented “If there is a line somewhere people assume its for a new vault being opened”. Reporters have seen lines before outhouses in laketown.

Queues for everything In Middle-earth

Package delivery in Bree-land and Ered luin sporadic
Due to an outbreak of aggressive chickens in Bree-land and rampant shrews in Ered luin the delivery of packages in these areas has been sporadic with postal service employees calling in sick or having to take detours around the country side.

Maximum size for communication and packages instituted
To alleviate these issue and to try to curve the impending breakdown of the hobbit postal service they have instituted a maximum length for (news)letters and package sizes. As the Norbog news institution also falls within these categories the job and event appendix will be delivered at a later point. We apologies for any inconvenience this might cause.

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