LOTRO Players News Episode 240: 21 Things In The Lake

This week we discussed the first build on Bullroarer for update 22.

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Bullroarer Update 22 Build 1!

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Critters Journey [64] Dwarfs chickening out


New Player Question




  • Landroval!Teriadwyn is continuing the elven allegiance story, while questioning her commitment to the elves.
  • Picked up my Gladden!Teriadwyn and got her through the battle at the Fords of Isen. Many tissues were used.
  • LM Galebrilith did the running around in Forochel required for Volume 1, closer to finishing the volume.



  • Finished all the Lone Lands deeds for the first time. I was really wishing I was on a hunter by the time I was done.
  • Went skraiding with PLOI earlier in the week and lagged out in the Barrow Downs. Then went scourge hunting with PLOI and saw Mt. Doom from fields of lava for a minute before having to turn my graphics back down.
  • I finally reached friend rep with Dunland on a character who can farm, only to discover her farming wasn’t nearly high enough for the wildflower field recipe yet, so did a lot of farming.



  • Did the entire hour of Survival Barrow Downs  in a raid. It was quite the experience.
  • Started Gondor on my Cappy/LM duo. It’s pretty fun…taking it slow
  • Ran around the new area on Bullroarer, remembering what it’s like to be in a new area, getting lost, trying to figure out where the mini arrow is pointing to…sigh



  • For the Thursday group, we searched for suicidal dwarves.
  • During the field trip, our Dunland group finished up in Galtrev
  • For our Saturday group, we finished unlocking Eastern Angmar, completed the Fem quest and, and started the level-45 class quests.


News Beyond LOTRO



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This week we did not receive any reviews.

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Josh Ramsey writes:

Hey, folks. I was listening to the podcast earlier today, and I heard the question about what the heck are the High Elf wardens and minstrels shouting. I’ve been playing one since Mordor dropped, so I’ve had plenty of time to hear the yells, and being the person that I am, I had to look up what they were saying.


There’s two distinct yells, one in Sindarin and one in Quenya. The one in Sindarin is “Gurth an Gothrim,” which is “Death to the Host of the Enemy!” The one in Quenya is “Enyalië Valariandë,” -which is “In memory of Beleriand!” So, yes, Sans, you were right: they *ARE* essentially yelling “For Beleriand!”


Keep up the good work, folks, and I look forward to hearing your impressions of Mirkwood and Dale.


Gilglir of Landroval

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Final Thoughts

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One thought on “LOTRO Players News Episode 240: 21 Things In The Lake”

  1. To clarify about the change to promotion points…currently, on live, you can purchase multiple stacks of promotion points, but you can only apply 2 stacks (20 points) to your character. It appears SSH is now going to let us apply more purchased points to each chatacter.

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