LOTRO Players News Episode 225: Totally Not Suspicious

This week we continued our review of the Mordor expansion by reviewing Lhingris, and we had Camuril back as a guest.

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Lhingris Review

  • Lhingris landscape
  • Mobs
  • Black Book Chapter 3.2
  • Quest line





  • Ran the new 3-person instance with Maven at 105 and 115 with help from Faervennen and Linlen.
  • Finished gathering the rangers on the Fieldtrip and am almost ready to head to Eregion with them, though I’m really ready to rush them to Enedwaith.
  • Spent some time in my least favorite wing of the haunted burrow and in Lhingris. Lhingris was less bad the 2nd time through this week, and now I’m done with it forever!! –Well, kind of.



  • 3-person w/Sanswinda and Faervennen and then LInlen…first with Glordriel (lots and lots of dying). Then brought Tinnfang and Sans kept coming up with great ideas till we figured out how to beat the first bosses (the rest of the bosses were way easier)
  • My cappy and Dresedin the LM have both reached 95, so I plan to dual box Gondor with them once the Harvest Festival is over
  • Got my blonde haired blue eyed hobbit warden out of mothballs, and she has just arrived in Rohan, currently helping out the Thane of Langhold. So easy to get rusty with a warden!



  • Started a Kin devoted to elven rp. Still being fleshed out but if you like elven theme, unbreakable oaths and the trials that come along with them look up Tuvorun.
  • Working on getting Camuril to 115 (Tuvorun is already there)
  • Bought an island for my long time kin, Elentiri. There was much rejoicing.
  • Ash run. Aka wth is going on, omg 10gp and advanced slayer deed.. Wth is going on?
  • Harvestmath! Haunted Burrow



  • Finished out Lhingris on Landroval!Teriadwyn except for the book, still missing three pages.
  • Acquired a pair of mole rats, one for each of my Landroval burglars.
  • Saryssa’s acquiring the war-steed cosmetics for last year’s Harvestmath steed.



  • During the field trip, out level 60s group finished Volume 3 Book 1. After a jittery start with the skirmish, we managed a fairly smooth boss fight.
  • My Crickhollow warden helped a goblin with some bad ideas.
  • Finished Lhingris with two characters on Landroval and my warden reached level cap in an intriguing way.


News Beyond LOTRO



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Featured Comments

Flosiin left a comment on last week’s episode:

A little addition to the new player question to the infused tems you get from Moria.


I originally posted this on my.lotro.com back in 2010. This can be a bit of work but here’s one way to gain a lot of runes/settings/gems that you can equip on your legendary item/weapon. In Dolven View (across from the stable master) is 2 Dwarfs. Each dwarf has 3 quests. They come available when you’re at level 54, 57 and 60. You’ll need a infused ruby (lvl 54), infused sapphire (lvl 57) or infused adamant (lvl 60) for each of the quests.


So here’s what you’ll need for just one run. Have 4 legendary’s equipped that you’re leveling, 4 tablets/rusted tools that you can trade in for 4 more legendary and one of the infused gems.

Go into one of the quest and complete. Once done, don’t turn in the quest-rather go over to the Relic master, deconstruct the first 4 legendary items. Now equip 4 new legendaries, visit the dwarf to turn in your quest you just completed. This should level all 4 of your legendaries to level 3-5. Visit the Relic master again to deconstruct those 4 legendary’s. Equip 4 more legendary’s and start the next quest and repeat for all the repeatable quests.


At level 60+, I’d have 2 of each of the infused gems (6 total) and 28 tablets/rusted tools/legendaries. When I deconstructed I’d end up with 3-6 settings/gems/runes per legendary. In total I could end up with 80-100+ settings/gems/runes. Combine them to get higher tiers and repeat this whole process the next day.


One of the rewards you can get is a relic that you can deconstruct for even more settings/gems/runes.


This same basic concept will also work with locations that have daily quest and reward IXP.

I hope this all makes sense and is helpful. Good luck and have fun!


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One thought on “LOTRO Players News Episode 225: Totally Not Suspicious”

  1. Great show as always. Just a thought about the possible Shelob raid, and not killing anything mentioned in the books. As Terri mentioned about The Watcher, after loping off its tentacles, we actually do kill it. I know this because when running that instance with my kin, whoever got the killing blow would post it in kinchat to the other members not in the instance…:) So I fully believe we will kill be able to kill Shelob. The books mention 2 possible future for her, something about nursing her wounds till she is able to wreak her evil again, or her meeting some other end to her life. So I don’t think SS would be worried about The Tolkien estate being miffed that we killed Shelob, it’s still as the saying goes, “A open book”.

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