What’s behind Mordoor 5 – Just think happy thoughts

What’s behind Mordoor 5 – Just think happy thoughts post thumbnail image

Well, that happened. Number 5 was meant to be a happy article looking back on the new rating difficulty with Beta 3 sloping the leveling to be a more accessible, but still equally hard at 105. And the dev post that the Beta 3 best armour wont be the best armour at launch (we’ll be having about 20-30% less stats to work with). Or it would focus on what the new instances and raid would be about and where they might take place. Both needed a bit more content last week (and bullroarer not up today). The first will probably be scrapped incase Mordor launches in 2 weeks. You don’t need me to tell you how the leveling will be when you’re already 108.

All kind of clusters
Looking into the new instance cluster will include a look back into the last clusters and extrapolate a bit from there. But ofcourse i’ve to talk a bit about that other cluster *$&.  Collectos editions are a bit less bang for your majestic stag and more normal brown deer buck. With only 2 clear sides what is given to us on the lotromarket descriptions and the small Faq. With such a wealth of information available to us you’re really reading all the fine print to find the answers you’re looking for. Any missing or errenous information will snowball confusion and e-rage. And boy did it do just that. Relative to the calm community that Lotro has this is a jet engined fellbeast.

Developers diary*
They said beforehand there wouldnt be too many, but none with 2 weeks of time is less then even a miraged hobbit in the desert of Rhun seeing a 2 meter pie on the horizon is expecting to be there. So we’ll make our own.

Tuesday 10:00 am
People seem to like the factual information that Vastin is giving them. Lets give the people a bit more blue posts by him. But the coffee corner talk about how we’re so close to release, mm surely someone has mentioned it to management.

Tuesday 6:00 pm
Oh shoot, think that cc all email wasnt meant to be all. It hasnt been mentioned yet. Someone forgot to turn the calendar month. Emergency meeting planned for thursday, but think most are already out the building. We’ll just bring it up on the usual meeting after Cordovan stream to see what we’ll do extra in this Bullroarer build.  I’ll sleep in a bit. Expecting a long workday.

Wednesday 11 am
Yeah, only Bob and Janice were at the meeting. Glad i’m not in the marketing department. Surely they will need to work weekends for the press release, faqs, graphics and moderation duty. Get everything nice and polished to celebrate the big announcement. I’m excited, all the overtime is coming to a close. Another maintenance downtime. Engineering must be prepping for launch.

Wednesday 4 pm
Bob what did you do! What did you tell Janice in that meeting? Those numbers dont look right. Wasnt high elf supposed to be a bonus for the base set? Housing teleport what does that mean? Scrambling the last people in the building to make a little faq to iron out some issues.

Wednesday 5 pm
Oops, only the intern is still around. He found some notes for the U22 plans. Guesse we’ll tell them the lotro store prizes for U22. 30 words seems a bit meager better add some easy shoeins to have some volume.

Thursday 10 am
Glad im telecommuting. Not sure what is hotter, the forums or mount Doom.

Final thoughts
Havn’t decided which set i’ll get for myself. Mostly waiting for pin point answers to push me in a direction. But what should have been a momentous occasion has been dragged down the slopes of mount Doom. Regulars knew what to expect and are dressed for the occassion. Hobbits, dwarfs and elfs that got caught up in moria or Rohan and heard the trumpets at Pelenor fields however. Eager to assist the onslaught in Mordor found a divided force with a leadership trying to quell the unrest. Lets hope it’s just a kerfuffle and won’t have the free people divide the great banner of Middle-earth and split into seperate allegiances.

*For comedy and parody purposes. Don’t have any extra insights or secret emails from hobbitleaks.

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