LOTRO Academy: After School – Episode 16

LOTRO Academy: After School – Episode 16 post thumbnail image

LOTRO Academy: After School - Episode 16

LOTRO Academy: After School is our monthly live show where we talk about what each of us have been up to during the month and answer questions from the live chat. Thanks for listening.

LOTRO Academy: After School is recorded live on the last Friday of the month and posted when I can get to it. Join us at The Players Alliance mixlr at 8:00 PM Eastern Time on the last Friday of the month to listen live and participate in the Q&A. Or show up early for the pre-show banter.

We are now using listener submitted screenshots for the episode coverart! Send your LOTRO screenshots to podcast at lotroacademy.com to enter. The coverart image will be chosen by the live audience during the broadcast.

2 thoughts on “LOTRO Academy: After School – Episode 16”

  1. Long story short had to go to the moors to lead a Craid. Freeps are finally finishing up the flower picking and now want to play! Free Hugs!!!

  2. Just a quick shout to Sans, Don’t throw out that extra piece of Armour from FI. Both the Jewelry and the Armour are Bond to account, so they can be given to a alt. Jewelry would only be good for a alt that is of same Amour class, Light/Med/Heavy. But the Armour is a bit different. As Terri said, you can exchange it for a box that has something that you can use, you need Lost coins to do so, but that is not normally a problem since you get them in the FI. The really nice thing about the “extra” piece, is that you can send it to a alt, and they can then exchange it for a box that when opened will turn it into the correct piece for that class. ie your hunter sends extra piece meant for a hunter to a minstrel, minstrel barters for a piece box, and when he opens box it is a minstrels piece. I was able to gear quite a few of my alts this way.
    Hope this helps, if you haven’t heard this yet. (since the After School episode was recorded a few weeks ago)….:)

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