3 thoughts on “What Are Your Favorite Memories From LOTRO?”

  1. Agree, Moria is the best Area for me as well. But the best moments for me are usually related to the epic storyline or to Group runs with my kinmates.

    But lett me make an addition when it comes to discovering Rivendel: Try to make your way to Rivendel as a chicken (session play) without a person to protect you. When you ever make it, it will feel like the biggest accomplishment you can do.

  2. My favorite memory has to be the first time I went to Frostbluff. That micro area is so much fun and beautiful. If my heart wasn’t won by just being in Middle Earth (I was sold by the time the starting video was over. I’m a big LOTR buff.) Frostbluff finished the job. Just being able to do a story line where it was discovering a mystery and helping the people to have a happy holiday season.

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