Mordor pre-order bonus and your Fell beast

As most will guess the ring will be destroyed in the upcoming Mordor expansion. Which will in turn destroy the 9 ring wraith that ride their great fell beasts. But what will happen to the fell beasts that survived?

Well, you can get them as your own cosmetic pet soon.

Yep, let that sink in. After recent evil-pets like the mumakill and varthag hounds. The next in line is your own “little” fell beast. Surely this pet will be pretty special. Yes and no, 2 versions will be available in the mordor expansion upcoming summer/autumn.

Pre-order chickens

Seems some (new) developers like their chicken runs. So much that they wanted to add their own spin on it. When i was browsing the updated game files for some missing pes from the store (4 kites are in the collection, but not available on the store) i found a reference to a fllbst.petcoll file that had images or files in the U20 build. Thinking it might some new pet i contacted @lotro. And soon i got a reply and some exciting news I’ve the privilege to bring to you on this day

Pre-order bonus – Fellbeast session play

In long forgotten times there was the Rohan expansion which came with a special pre-order bonus with the non-base edition. You could do a session play as one of the rohirrim horses. But since all horses get eaten in Mordor Standing stone games had to think of something different.

The mordor expansion will have several pre-order bonuses and the one i’m allowed to spoil is a special session play as a fell beast that will gather the armies of Mordor. It will play a lot like the rohan session play, but your task will be to gather all armies from all over Mordor and get them ready for their march on Minas Tirith.

It should be available in an update before the expansion goes live and it’s planned to give a sneak peek into the Update 22 area.

Fell beast Journey – 2nd version

After the news most people would be excited about. Its time for the real Critters news. A reversed chicken run. We’re not getting george to Mordor anymore. We’re getting “unnamed fell beast” to Angmar. After the nine are defeated their fell beast are now free to roam middle earth, but nearly everyone in the west is hostile to him. He fondly remembers his days in Angmar, but it will be a true endeavour with the skies in between now roaming with eagles.

it’s time. Time to run to angmar. With a smithering of skills at your disposal and a hostile world ahead of you. Forget your normal safe places and paths. It’s time for creeps to head out of Mordor again.

I’m allowed to spoil a few images from my alpha test run for this article. Mostly the interface and a few iconic places. Nothing to see from the Mordor part for obvious reasons. My fell beast got spawned just outside isengard.

Cosmetic pet, what will they look like?

I havent seen the 2 versions of cosmetic pets myself. But im guessing they will be akin to the mumakill pets. One armoured version ready for battle and one a little less weaponized since he’s gonna need all the speed he can get to get past the Free people and hostile critters.

7 thoughts on “Mordor pre-order bonus and your Fell beast”

  1. Haha, well done! I know it’s April Fools, but if an SSG employee reads this: can we please make this a thing, I’d love to have a Fell Beast cosmetic pet! And it’s not much more lore-breaking then having a tame mumak, that is smaller then my leg!

  2. Best if the three and I want fell-beast session play Angmar run to make it into the game. Hilarious and stupidly fun

  3. Had my own idea for an April Fool’s: Creep housing. Choose from new neighborhoods in Angmar, Mirkwood, and the depths of Moria. Premium Creep housing to coming in update 22 in Mordor!

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