2 thoughts on “How Would You Rank LOTRO’s Expansions?”

  1. I think this order is perfect with a singular exception. Riders of Rohan’s soundtrack was easily the best in the entire game which is something Rise of Isengard lacked in. For this reason I would consider these two expansions to effectively be a tie (though if we are looking merely at content ROI is a clear winner).

  2. Absolutely agree with Helms Deep, the Epic Battles are a boring feature, the trait changes are there for filler purposes, almost not fitting. Very repetitive “help small cities” around the place, a lot of space between the points and our broken horse.

    Riders of Rohan brought more quality for future landscapes, but the mounted combat was a huge failure. I dont know if bigger places have brought quality, is beautiful, but sometimes just filler, with nothing to do around, it make sense close to Helms Deep and Minas Tirith, large structures who need an large presentation.

    Isengard is cool, the tower, history, cosmetics, the enviroment is not good in terms of landscape as Rohan, ugly mountains. Dunland is a nice space, but shows the same ugly visual in terms of landscape and details.

    Enedwaith is a fast low budget production.

    Mirkwood is a very low budget production.

    Moria is something who make me put Lotro over WoW, in terms of my time playing an MMO, such verticality, the deeps of Khazad-dûm, the epic history so well distributed there, great quality on the structures, new creatures and use of space.

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