[SPOILERS] The Grey Company Part 1: The Rangers

[SPOILERS] The Grey Company Part 1: The Rangers post thumbnail image


You have beeen warned.

Below are all members of the Grey Company. I posted this in the forums, based off an earlier post by Malachi108. I thought it would be worth sharing it with you here, though. The status of the rangers listed is all that we know as of 15 June, 2016. It is sourced from the Epic Story and some additional reveals by MadeOfLions.


Color code: Green means we know they survived the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, Red means we know they have died, Orange means they are Halros (Will you stay or Will you go?) and Purple means they are either MIA (Amarion) or returned home (Saeradan).

  • Elladan, son of Elrond
    First met in Thorin’s Gate, Ered Luin (by Elves and Dwarves) or Thorenhad, Trollshaws (Men, Hobbits). During the ride of the Grey Company is found in Mirobel, later present at Zudrugund and Tur Morva. Survived betrayal by the Falcon clan. Appears in Pelargir. Survives the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
  • Elrohir, son of Elrond
    First met in Thorin’s Gate, Ered Luin (by Elves and Dwarves) or Thorenhad, Trollshaws (Men, Hobbits). During the ride of the Grey Company is found in Mirobel, later present at Zudrugund and Tur Morva. Survived betrayal by the Falcon clan. Appears in Pelargir. Survives the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.

  • Aragorn, leader of the Dúnedain
    Joins the Grey Company on the Road to Isengard. Appears in Pelargir. Survives Battle of the Pelargir Fields.

  • Halbarad, Leader of the Company
    Leader of the Rangers of Esteldin, head of the Council of the North. Involved in warfare against Angmar. As the Grey Company leader, found in Rivendell, Echad Eregion and Mirobel. Later present at Llanuch, Zudrugund, Galtrev and Tur Morva. Appears in Pelargir. Perished in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
  • Amarion from Amon Raith, North Downs
    At Amon Raith, he is protecting refugees from Annundir, and sending you to help with various objectives. With the Grey Company, he is found at Echad Dagoras, Fordirith. Briefly trapped by Shadow Wolves, he is later looking for a way to deal with them. Later, Dagoras mentions that he failed to return from patrol near Isengard. Confirmed to be alive but missing.
  • Amlan of the Prancing Pony
    Found at the Prancing Pony, he’s sending you to kill Giant Svalfang, problem of Dob Sandheaver. With the Grey Company, he’s encamped At Echad Saeradan in Windfells, where he is busy with gathering supplies and sending you to hunt crebain. Later sets a camp in Grawenwood in Dunland and asks Andreg to guide you to Saeradan. Escapes capture by the Falcon Clan and later along with you and Saeradan storms Tal Methedras to bring revenge upon Gwyilon. Appears at Pelargir.
  • Amrúnir
    Skirmish Jewelry and Cloaks barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Andreg of the Old Greenway Fort, Bree-Land
    Stationed at the Old Greenway Fort in Bree-Land, he and you are dealing with orcs that came to Bree-Land from North Downs. With the Grey Company, he’s encamped At Echad Saeradan in Windfells, where he is busy with gathering supplies, sending you to hunt oxes of the Uch-Luth. Later he’s accompanying you on the track through Gravenwood and trying to put end to Gwyilon’s threat, perishing in the end.
  • Anglaer
    Skirmish Curiosities barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Angwedh
    Skirmish Medium Armor barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Appears in Pelargir.
  • Annúdhrod
    Skirmish Heavy Armor barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Areneth, door-warden of Gath Fortnir
    He guards the door to hidden stronghold of Gath Fortnir in Angmar and sends you to combat Angmarim in Himbar. With the Grey Company, he is encamped in Lich Bluffs, along with Galasebdir. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Badhordam of Annuminas
    Found in Echad Garthadir, Annúminas, he is involved in the battle for the city during Amarthiel’s assault. With Grey Company, he is the Legendary rewards reputation barter in Harndirion. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Balchelos of Tinnundir
    Encamped on Tinnundir in Evendim, he used to be dealing with Tomb-Robbers of Rantost, but the quests were changed to a different NPC during the revamp. He is Minstrel Trainer in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Banganir
    Currency Exchange barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Baradír
    Relic-master in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Braigiar of Gabilshathûr, Angmar
    Originally member of Golodir’s company, who got trapped beyond Rammas Deulon. Found in Dwarven city of Gabilshathûr, he directs you to Garth Forthnír. As Grey Company member, in Echad Dagoras, Fordirith he sends you to locate hidden caches, as well as Amarion and Dagoras. From Llanuch, Nan Laeglin he Leads a group of Rangers through Mournshaws into Trum Dreng. Along with Radanir attempted to escape Tur Morva, but was killed. Prince Theodred himself recovered his body.
  • Brungos of Echad Dagoras, Fordirith
    First met in Echad Dagoras, Fordirith, where he is Reputation Legendary rewards barter. Later found in Thrór’s Coomb, Enedwaith, Investigating a Mysterious Relic left by Gortheron.
  • Calatherdir of Tinnundir
    On Tinnundir in Evendim, he is Sending you to investigate salamander infestation on Tyl Ruinen. Later found as the Hunter Trainer in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Calenglad of Tinnundir
    Leader of the Wardens of Annuminas and old friend of Aragorn. Heavy involve in the retrieval of Silithar for reforging of the Narsil and the Battle for Annuminas following Amarthiel’s attack. With the Grey Company, found in Rivendell, Echad Mirobel. Present at Zudrugund during conversation with Nar and involved in attack on Zudrugund. Survived the trap in Tur Morva. Appears in Pelargir. Survives Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
  • Candaith of Weathertop
    Found at Candaith’s Encampment, Lone Lands, he is Watching over Weathertop. Friend to Eglain, he helped you find Radagast and Defended Amon Sul against an assault. He narrated the History of Dunedain to you in Rivendell and is Briefly found in Gwingris. Later found in Nan Laeglin, Enedwaith, he was present at attack on Zudrugund and ventured into Forsaken Road, where he perished.
  • Cannuion of Tinnundir
    At Tinnundir, Evendim he is Wardens of Annúminas reputation rewards barter. At Echad Dagoras, Fordirith he is Grey Company reputation rewards barter. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Calithil from Trollshaws
    Friend of Radanir. Perished at the Forsaken Road.
  • Celairant of Ered Luin
    A young Ranger, encamped at Thrasi’s Lodge, Ered Luin along with Langlas. He was Unsure if he is worthy of a bow received as gift from Penglir, which was stolen from him. He is Skirmish Trainer in Harndirion, Enedwaith.
  • Celenath
    Stable-master in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Corunir of Aughaire, Angmar
    Former Golodir’s companion, who stayed behind for years in Augharie. Him sending the Falcon to Esteldin actually begins your involving with Angmar. He is helping you unravel mystery of watching stones and Later went to rescue Golodir from Nûrz Ghâshu. With the Grey Company, he is Staying in the Library of Zudrugund, trying to uncover mystery of Nar. He was wounded in an Uruk-Hai attack and survived betrayal by the Falcon Clan. Appears in Pelargir. Survives Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
  • Culang of Tinnundir
    Found at Tinnundir, Evendim, he sends you to find lost treasure following a series of riddles. In Harndirion, Enedwaith he is Sending you to locate several hidden caches and also to check up on Mincham.
  • Daervunn of Esteldin
    Halbarad’s second-in-command, he is Consulting you multiple times during the Angmar campaign. Encamped at Echad Daervunn, he was Exploring the possibility of the Company passing though Mournshaws. At Forthbrond, Gap of Rohan he was captured by the Rohirrim, until you set him free. Appears in Pelargir.
  • Dagoras of Esteldin
    Preparing for wafare with Angmar, he is sending you to help with various preparations in Kingsfell. Established Echad Dagoras in Fordirith. Briefly imprisoned by Dunlendings in Lhe Lhechu, later sending you to gather Dunlending uniforms in Enedwaith. Established Dagoras’s Camp in Nan Curunir and with the help of Quickbeam infiltrated Ring of Isengard itself.
  • Demúr
    Stable-Master in Echad Dagoras, Fordirith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Dúnhammad
    Skirmish Light Armor barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Duvengris
    Skirmish Weapons barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Faeron
    Burglar Trainer in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Appears in Pelargir.
  • Fainneleg of Annuminas
    Overseeing the defences of Echad Garthadir, Annúminas. Involved in the battle for the city during Amarthiel’s assault. Later can be found as a Provisioner in Echad Dagoras, Fordirith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Ferrif of Esteldin
    In Esteldin, he is Sending you to check on Tinnundir and Northcotton Farm. Also accepting task items. He is the Stable-Master in Echad Daervunn, Mournshaws. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Galasebdir of Iorelen’s Camp, Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu
    Found in Iorelen’s Camp, he repeatedly sends you to retrieve some mushrooms from the Rift of Nûrz Ghâshu. With the Grey Company, he is encamped in Lich Bluffs, along with Areneth. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Gemniphred
    Skirmish Cosmetics barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Gernad
    Skirmish Classic barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Golodir of Gath Forthnír, Angmar
    Leader of the Company that ventured into Rammas Deulon. Long Imprisoned and later rescued from Carn Dum. Involved in the Scourge of Angmar, later ventured into Nûrz Ghâshu under Erebun’s influence. With the Grey Company Briefly found in Rivendell. Later present in Mirobel and Zudrugund. Survived betrayal by the Falcon clan. Appears in Pelargir. Perishes at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
  • Halros of the Greenfields, Shire
    Investing Goblin activities in the Greenfields. May or may not leave the Shire, depending on your choice. If he does leave, he is Present in Mirobel and Zudrugund. If he is present he perishes on the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
  • Handarod of Esteldin
    Was found in Esteldin during the Ranger’s offense activities (no longer active). Warden Trainer in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Helchon
    Went with Calenglad into the Mournshaws and was granted audience at the Huntsman’s Court.
  • Himeldir
    Perished at the Forsaken Road.
  • Himeinior of Barad Angol, Ashenlades
    Found in Barad Angol in Mirkwood, he is Investigating the corruptions in the Ashenlades. Found in Echad Idhrenfair, Gloomglens, Concerned about the sighting of Stoors. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Hodhon from Annuminas
    Friend of Calenglad. Perished at the Forsaken Road.
  • Idhrenfair of the Haunted Inn, Dourstocks
    Briefly trapped in Dannenglor until rescued. Later stationed in the Haunted Inn, discovering the mystery of what happened in Audaghaim. Established Echad Idhrenfair in Gloomglens, where he is Dealing with multiple strange mysteries.
  • Idhrien
    Healer in Echad Dagoras, Fordirith and the only female member of the company.
  • Iorecthel
    Skirmish Legendary Items barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Langlas of the Thrasi’s Lodge, Ered Luin
    Encamped at the Thrasi’s Lodge, Ered Luin, he helped you rescue Avorthal the Elven Prince and prevent bloodshed between Elves and Dwarves. Skirmish Captain in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Appears in Pelargir. Survives the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
  • Legrindavor of Tirband, Annúminas
    Constantly Battling Angmarim for control over Tirband. Later, he is Grey Company reputation rewards barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Linnor from Bree-Land
    Friend of Saeradan. Perished at the Forsaken Road.
  • Lothrandir of Sûri-kylä, Forochel
    Stationed in Sûri-kylä, Forochel, he aided you in search for Narchuil and Arvedui the Last King. Also found Gun Ain in Forochel. As Grey Company member, Briefly found in Rivendell before departure. Later he is sending you to Saeradan’s camp from Echad Dagoras. Imprisoned by Falcon clan and send into Isengard along with you. Rescued from Isengard. Appears in Pelargir. Survives the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
  • Maedhrusc of the Fields of Fornost
    Found in the Free Peoples’ Camp, Fornost, he sends you to defeat shades within the city. He is Champion Trainer in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Mandan
    Skirmish Provisions barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Appears in Pelargir.
  • Mincham of Mincham’s Camp, Fields of Fornost
    Found in Mincham’s Camp at the Fields of Fornost. He is Dealing with Oathbreakers in Fields of Fornost and a shadow of his own past – his wife and son perished there. Knows Black Speech. Dead never seem to escape him, as he is later Dealing with multiple Shades and Wights of Lich Bluffs.
  • Mithrendan
    Skirmish Crafting barter in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Appears in Pelargir.
  • Naeglanc
    Established Echad Naeglanc in Bonevales. Briefly captured by Dunlendings until you rescued him, he is Investigating Wight infestation in the area.
  • Nestadron of Echad Dagoras, Fordirith
    First met in Echad Dagoras, Fordirith, where he is the Relic-master. Later acts as the Guardian Trainer in Harndirion, Enedwaith.
  • Nethraw of Krúslë Lannan, Angmar
    Found at Krúslë Lannan, Angmar, he is Uncovering the secret of the Seven Swords. Bard of Harndirion.
  • Nidgyl of Bree
    Was found in Bree during the Ranger’s offense activities (no longer active). Captain Trainer in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Orchith
    Forge-master in Echad Dagoras, Fordirith. Lost in Túr Morva.
  • Orthonn of Ost Lagoros, North Downs
    Encamped in Ost Lagoros, North Downs, he is Involved in various activities in Nan Amlung and Kingsfell. Lore-master Trainer in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Appears in Pelargir.
  • Prestadir of the Haunted Inn, Dourstocks
    Briefly trapped in Dannenglor until rescued. Later stationed in the Haunted Inn, discovering the mystery of what happened in Audaghaim. Later found in Echad Idhrenfair in Gloomglens, where he is Dealing with multiple strange mysteries. From Llanuch, Nan Laeglin, he Leads a group of Rangers through Lich Bluffs into Bonevales. Survived betrayal by the Falcon Clan.
  • Radanir of the Trollshaws
    Used to stay at Thorenhad, later ventured into Laenan cave to deal with Orcs in the Trollshaws. As the Grey Company member, he is found in Rivendell and Echad Eregion. Present during attack at Zudrugund and later ventured into Forsaken Road. Though wounded, he escaped Tur Morva after the betrayal. Appears in Pelargir. Survives Battle of the Battle of the Pelennor Fields.
  • Saeradan of Bree-Land
    Found at Saeradan’s Cabin, Bree-Land. He is Protecting Bree-Land from Orcs of North Downs and When asked to join Grey Company, sends you to leave word for Barliman Butterbur. After setting off from Rivendell, he Briefly stopped in Gwingris when his horse Erebrandir was slowed down. Established Echad Saeradan in Windfells, where he is busy with gathering supplies and dealing with the Old Woman of the Mountain. Went with Halbarad into Tur Morva, but later stayed in Grawenwood, at Theodred’s Camp. He avoided the capture by the Falcon Clan and later along with you and Amlan storms Tal Methedras to bring revenge upon Gwyilon. Returns to Eriador.
  • Techeron of Esteldin
    In Esteldin, he is selling Tailor reputation recipes. Forge-Master in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Appears in Pelargir.
  • Tugonn
    First met during a session play in Nanduhirion, Lothlorien, where he was accompanying Aragorn during meeting with Gandalf. Later he ventured into Ost Dunhoth in Lich Bluffs and was Involved in the downfall of Gortheron.

  • Demúr
    He is an Elf and the Rune-keeper Trainer in Harndirion, Enedwaith. Shares a name with one of the Rangers. Maybe someone didn’t want the Rune-keeper Trainer to be a Man? Confirmed to be unrelated to the Grey Company. Maybe he’s the protagonist of the next Episodic quests?

2 thoughts on “[SPOILERS] The Grey Company Part 1: The Rangers”

  1. Fascinating article, thanks for sharing. I had no idea what a large percentage of the rangers were “Lost in Tur Morva”.

  2. A great read. So many times I looked at lotro-wiki to find where I saw those Rangers in Eriador. A lot of them seemed to die in Tur Morva. What a shame! Thank you for this great comprehensive guide. I’m sure I’ll back to this time and again.

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