Pineleaf’s Pictorial Primer to Skirmishing: Battle of the Way of Smiths

Pineleaf’s Pictorial Primer to Skirmishing: Battle of the Way of Smiths post thumbnail image

Way of Smiths Opening

Welcome back to the second edition of Pineleaf’s Pictorial Primer to Skirmishing. In this series, we will look at each of the skirmishes in The Lord of the Rings Online. In this installment, we continue to defend the Iron Garrison in the Battle of the Way of Smiths

Way of Smiths Opening

This information in this guide is up-to-date as of Update 17.2. You can download the PDF here.

Now it is time to keep Mazog’s hordes out of the Way of Smiths.


Skirmish Responsibly,

Pineleaf Needles

2 thoughts on “Pineleaf’s Pictorial Primer to Skirmishing: Battle of the Way of Smiths”

  1. Thank you so much for write these articles! I’ve now realised I’ve on scratch the surface of skirmishing, in particular my soldier build.

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