Poll: Where Would You Live In LOTRO?

If you could live anywhere in LOTRO, where would you live?  A big thanks to Bellcaunion for suggesting this week’s poll!

If you could live anywhere in LOTRO, where would you live?

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7 thoughts on “Poll: Where Would You Live In LOTRO?”

  1. Can we have timeshares? I voted Rivendell but Lothlorien, Evendim, Forochel, and Minis Tirith are beautiful too.

    1. I thought about those but this is where you want to live in LOTRO and so I figured since those are not in the game yet, I wouldn’t add them to keep the size of the poll from having an infinite number of responses.

      That being said, those could be cool places to live 🙂

  2. Enedwaith. It has several diverse type areas plus as an added bonus it already has a deed with the title of Homesteader of Enedwaith.

  3. Being a trout fisherman in real life, it would have to be the north end and/or west shore of Lake Evendim. Just gotta get rid of those wolf dudes.

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