LOTRO Players News Episode 112: Uruk Pot Pie

This week we have a lot of game and site news plus we finally do another skirmish.

Game News

Free World Transfers Begin

Minas Tirith Alpha Screenshot Revealed

Evernight Breaks Server Record

Store Sales

Free sample of the week August 21st – 27th

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  • Stat Tomes
  • Crafting Guild Access
  • Premium Wallet Upgrade


Increased Lootbox Drops!

Now through August 23rd


“LOTRO Players News is brought to you by Lalia’s Provision Division…”

LOTRO Players News

LOTRO Video Highlights: Last Watch

Small LOTRO Adventures Ep 25

Bingo Boffin – First Impressions

6th Annual Month of the Chicken on Landroval

The House of Beorn Chapter 7 — The Parting of the Ways

LotRO and Lore: Where Now the Horse and Rider?

Shield of Honor: Part One

Poems of the Pine: Terrible Heart

New Player Question

Two of the stats on food and equipment are “in-combat morale regeneration” and “incoming healing.” What is the difference between the two and is one better than the other?



  • Bingo Boffin & Level Addicts Wednesday – got the mini up one more level! Currently in Moria
  • Bit of warging with Teri & caught a delightfully unintelligent Loremaster
  • Did a bit of Guardianing – helping folks and some RTs



  • Paid it forward in the frozen wastes of Forochel
  • Tried really hard to give Bingo Boffin some noogies
  • Ably played hunter taxi during the Academy field trip (except I left Pineleaf behind)



  • Little Miss discovered jewelry making… and was somewhat disappointed at the results.
  • 2 Angry hobbits and a Well-dressed Man made their way to Eregion and were stuck running skirmishes.
  • Fil Gashan fell to our five man fellowship. Secret Orc Pro-Wrestling training camp.



  • RK finished Volume 2 and has started on Volume 3, which has spawned a new Secret Project. Also earned the title of The Thorough.
  • Saryssa the burg blended in super-well with orcs while dual-wielding rolling pins.
  • Sent some welcome-to-the-game gear to a new LOTRO player.



  • My Arkenstone Beorning teamed up with Teri, Maven, and Drac to return to the Angmar epic. After reaching Annuminas, we decided it was time to head into Eregion.
  • My video Beorning gathered some rangers and unlocked my final skirmish. Then I headed south with the Grey Company. There is one more skirmish I need to do in the video series and I am ready to start the prereqs I have for that one.
  • Ran Breaching twice at fellowship setting to test my soldier before and after fully ranking.


News Beyond LOTRO

Adapting Tolkien

The Rangers: A Shadow Rising

Skirmish of the Week

Topic: What are the pros and cons of Isengard?


We currently have 16 supporters on Patreon. If you would like to join this illustrious raid of players and help support LOTRO Players, simply go to the donation page where you can support The Players Alliance on Patreon.  There you will find rewards including a mention on the podcast of your choice, or even guest for an episode on LOTRO Players News.



This week we did not receive any reviews on iTunes.

Featured Comments

dairuin01 from YouTube asks:

“How can you let the skirmish hobbits die have you not learnt to skirmish responsibly”?

Barnabras left a comment on LOTRO Players News Episode 111:

I can’t believe I missed the live chat with a Pvmp topic! For me the Pvmp element of the game is a great change of pace to the Pve aspect of the game. How many time can you make a new character and run the same quests? Fighting against other players provides a new and unique challange. The key to monster play is being comfortable with dying. You will die a lot, but don’t worry it doesn’t hurt. I am already up to 1600 deaths, and I am only rank 11. I usually play when both raids are out, and it is adrenaline charged.

timhedden left a comment on Minas Tirith Alpha Screenshot Revealed:

An observation here. The picture shows the sky as being cloudless and blue. What happened to the Dawnless Day? I am hopeful that we would get to see Minus Tirith in both brilliant brightness and the depressing darkness.

Plus, if those are trees on the Pelennor Fields, just the front wall of Minus Tirith must be massively tall. I’m thinking it looks to be the size of two stacked levels of the Deeping Wall of Helm’s Deep. I hope the in-house music they create is just as grand. 🙂


Merryrose writes:

“Hi All! Enjoyed this show very much.

Had a quick question regarding PvMP. If I wanted to PvMP in Osgiliath, can I go directly there? Or must I gain experience in the Moors first? I’m interested in Osgiliath but meh on the Moors.

Thanks so much,


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The Players Alliance @PlayersAlly

LOTRO Players @LOTROPlayers

Andang @PvMP_Andang

Arathaert @Arathaert

Karvett @KarvettLP

Lilikate @Lilikatebuggins

Maven @tolkienmaven

Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles

Teriadwyn @Teriadwyn

Final Thoughts

The Players Alliance LIVE Shows

Mondays at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – DDO Players News

Thursdays at 6:30 p.m. Eastern – Guild Wars Players News (Last show for a while)

Saturdays at 8:30 p.m. Eastern – LOTRO Players News

Join us for our live shows at lotroplayers.com/live


Thanks for listening!


6 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 112: Uruk Pot Pie”

  1. Interesting comments on The House of Beorn. As a matter of fact, most of the story just happens on its own, but I do in fact have a plan regarding the main storyline. Also as some of the supplemental characters who appear, I try to keep their personalities interesting. There is no “Mom” or “Dad” per se, just a few senior members who take the lead.

  2. I use try to join your Saturday run but lately I have no ideal what happen .. appear to be a close group … so bye bye

  3. The “horn that was blowing” banner is from Forlaw in Wildermor. I noticed Horn’s name elsewhere in the text, but I don’t want to say where, *spoilers*

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