Bingo Boffin – First Impressions

About a month ago, the Bingo Boffin quests were added to LOTRO.  At first I was not sure what to expect with the new quests and was not sure if I would like them.  My fears were unfounded.  I am enjoying the Bingo Boffin quests more than even what I have done so far in most recent area of Gondor.

I think the biggest strength of the Bingo Boffin quests is the feeling of a different style of story.  The quests feel much closer to the tone of The Hobbit and that is something that has not been prevalent in LOTRO until now.  It is surprisingly fun to go through these quests even though the actual quests themselves are fairly mundane. That doesn’t seem to matter though because the story is so strong.  I find myself excited every Wednesday to know I can sit down and play a light hearted story in the middle of the week.

You can watch my reactions to the quests as they happen in my YouTube series:

7 thoughts on “Bingo Boffin – First Impressions”

  1. I think the quests are well written and full of enjoyable situations that we can all picture fitting in with the prototypical hobbit. The downside to me is that I have this deep wondering if the long term rewards of the quest line will actually be worth all the time it consumes.

  2. ” quests feel much closer to the tone of The Hobbit”

    “actual quests themselves are fairly mundane”

    Both true. Alas, for me they are too mundane, But I had this feeling towards almost all Lotro questlines for long and recently it has became much stronger after I played the newest RPG game (not MMO) on the market. Turbine should think about making more interesting quests with some new mechanics, Repeating the same type of quests (bring 6, kill 8, talk to XY) for so many years will not work. Lotro feels more and more ancient nowadays. I am afraid the game will be losing players even faster due to this and it will be harder to attract new ones.

    1. I’d also like to add that for us the reward is the story. The use of language in the text is wonderful reminding me of my first reads of Tolkien’s work. The introduction letter is an example of the use of language which I enjoy so much. Titles are fun as are baubles but the journey is the reward.

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