5000 Turbine Point Code Giveaway (Entries Closed)

LOTRO Players is giving away a 5000 Turbine Point code thanks to supporters on Patreon.

Entries will close on June 11th.

How to Enter

To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below. Duplicate comments from the same user will be only counted once. Each comment will be assigned a number in order. The winner will be selected with a random number generator. The winner will be contacted through the email attached to the comment.

Please make sure you have a valid email that you check regularly attached to the account you are commenting with. We will send an email to the winner. The winner will have a week to respond. Once they respond we will send them the code and the contest will end. If the winner does not respond within a week, we will choose and contact a new winner who will also have a week to respond. This will continue to repeat until we find a winner.

All LOTRO Players website/podcast past or current staff and immediate family are not be eligible for this contest.

Help Us Have More Giveaways!

Want to see more giveaways? We need your help! Giveaways are funded by supporting The Players Alliance on Patreon.

[button link=”http://www.patreon.com/ThePlayersAlliance” color=”silver” newwindow=”yes”] Support The Players Alliance on Patreon[/button]

709 thoughts on “5000 Turbine Point Code Giveaway (Entries Closed)”

      1. You were chosen randomly through random.org as the winner. I just sent you an email. You have one week to reply back to the email or else the code goes on to a new winner.

      2. Thank you very much. I’m very happy. I will forward your site to my friends.

  1. WOW!!! Really, really, really need some TP too. Love LOTRO and the LOTRO PLAYERS! Hopefully I’ll win!! 😉

  2. Thanks so much for continuing to educate and support those of us addicted to LOTRO. Middle-aged minds want to know!

  3. In the words of the Smiths:
    “see, the luck I’ve had
    can make a good man
    turn bad

    So please please please
    let me, let me, let me
    let me get what I want
    this time”

    Good luck to all

  4. It’s not pie, but it will still be very nice to have.

    *wonders if RNGs can be influenced by pasteries*

  5. This reminds me, I have been meaning to come back and play through Rohan and Gondor. Thanks for the chance!

  6. Thadadir of Brandywine reporting in! This could be my big chance to get a few extra quest packs. Whoo

  7. Guys as always great work that you are doing! thank you so much for the giveaway! hope I will win 🙂

  8. One Lotro Game to Rule them all and One Site that Binds Them.
    This site has it all for any play style in Lotro. Hope your around for many many years to come.

  9. 5000 TP could make this “F2P” game feel less like a Demo..anyway 300 hours of grind and not even a character on highest level. At least I could skip the ridicolous grind for TP.

  10. I would love these turbine points because gondorian 5 mithril coin travel is terribleeeeee

  11. please give your contribution to the Hungry Hobbit Association to me. I’m going to distribute it to my needy hobbits 😉

  12. Mae govannen mellyn nîn! Würde mich auch sehr feinst freuen und ich würde ein Tablett Törtchen springen lassen wenn ich die gewinnen täte! Baruk Khazad!

  13. Thanks for this awesome giveaway and all of the things you do. Keep up the great work guys (and gals). 🙂

  14. It great that have this give away, it great way to promote the game. Thanks for doing this.

  15. that would entice me to buy a lot of very ugly cosmetic looks for my monster characters. 😀

  16. Hey! That’s amazing! =)

    Coming back to lotro in great style! I think winning this contest will finally give me incentive to finish my lotro eating plugin!!! =D

  17. LOTRO is my favourite game of all time, and I love listening to your podcasts while I play! 🙂

  18. Ooh, 5000 Turbine Points. I bet quite a few of us could always do with some more TP. Thanks for the giveaways LOTROplayers, and good luck to all participants!

  19. This would be great, as I just had to drop to premium from VIP.. so I could get the packs I need! Good luck to all!!! Wow, so many people entering!!! Crazy!!

    Love the podcast and site as well!

  20. Hey guys, thanks for this giveaway, I really need the points to buy the quest packs, as I only have Evendim. Good luck to all of the participants.

  21. I have tried many other games but LotRO is still my favourite, maybe because I love Tolkien’s books and it is set in Middle-Earth. It would be great to get such a great amount of points since I am a f2p and currently cannot afford to pay for the game.

  22. There is only one thing we must decide what to do, and that is what to do with our time. Play LOTRO of course!

  23. Another excellent Prize.

    Whomever wins is certainly going to be quite happy.

    Yet one more reason to love LoTRO Players.

  24. Last try, will enter me on other contests but not this one for some reason, thought I’d have till the end of the day.

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