LOTRO Players is giving away a 5000 Turbine Point code thanks to supporters on Patreon.
Entries will close on June 11th.
How to Enter
To enter the giveaway please leave a comment below. Duplicate comments from the same user will be only counted once. Each comment will be assigned a number in order. The winner will be selected with a random number generator. The winner will be contacted through the email attached to the comment.
Please make sure you have a valid email that you check regularly attached to the account you are commenting with. We will send an email to the winner. The winner will have a week to respond. Once they respond we will send them the code and the contest will end. If the winner does not respond within a week, we will choose and contact a new winner who will also have a week to respond. This will continue to repeat until we find a winner.
All LOTRO Players website/podcast past or current staff and immediate family are not be eligible for this contest.
Help Us Have More Giveaways!
Want to see more giveaways? We need your help! Giveaways are funded by supporting The Players Alliance on Patreon.
[button link=”http://www.patreon.com/ThePlayersAlliance” color=”silver” newwindow=”yes”] Support The Players Alliance on Patreon[/button]
Well, isn’t this nice
Sounds very nice!
Ty for giveaway, I hope I win
Good luck everyone
Hoping to win
Daefareth rolled 100. ^^
YAY!!! i need this badly lol ;))
Thank you for this nice giveaway.
You were chosen randomly through random.org as the winner. I just sent you an email. You have one week to reply back to the email or else the code goes on to a new winner.
Thank you very much. I’m very happy. I will forward your site to my friends.
Nice one, guys! Thank you!
i hope i get lucky
Hope I win
Well this’ll be fun.
Yeah, isn´t it
this would be a boost!
So many comments! Pleaseopleaseoplease….
Thanks for this opportunity!
I am grateful to Lotro Players for the up-to-date news that helps me plan my week in Lotro
would make leveling my burg in F2P mode so much easier
That certainly is nice
Hello! How’s everyone? Any new updates in lotro that can rekindle my interest in the game?
Love this game to death
Everyone loves giveaways!
Hello Middle-Earth World!
5000 Turbine Point Code Giveaway – Thank you! Love LOTRO.
That would save me over 100 hours of solid, focused TP grinding! AMAZING…
Hope to win, good luck everyone
*crosses fingers*
5000 turbine points? Awesome!
Still growing, still growing. Getting bigger and better. Congratz !
All the best to Lotroplayers.com
You guys make the lotro world go on
Didn’t you guys do this only last year? Good on you!
Woo-hoo! 5,000 points, can’t wait! Thanks Patreon.
Who doesn’t like TP Giveaways
Am I first?

Anyway, it’s a lot of TP to win, thanks for this opportunity
here i am, waiting
the first
WOW!!! Really, really, really need some TP too. Love LOTRO and the LOTRO PLAYERS! Hopefully I’ll win!!
Thanks so much for continuing to educate and support those of us addicted to LOTRO. Middle-aged minds want to know!
Very nice!
Truly the only game that respects Tolkien’s Lore. Love LOTRO!
Wheeee!!! Another giveaway!!!
RNG Don’t fail me now (I’m not Drac)
Thanks Andang, and all of LOTRO players for another giveaway. To the rest of you good luck.
Hurrah! LOTRO forever ^_^
Wow! Thanks to lotro players! GL all
Thank you. What a generous thing.
In the words of the Smiths:
“see, the luck I’ve had
can make a good man
turn bad
So please please please
let me, let me, let me
let me get what I want
this time”
Good luck to all
RNG juju!
Very nice reward for a giveaway.
Thanks for doing the giveaway!
GL all of you
Good luck to all
I’m a Lotro Player.
Consider my hat in the ring.
Good luck
this is one awesome website!
Thank you very much for such a generous offer.
Good luck everyone!
It will be interesting to see how many comments are left by hopefuls wishing to win.
really generous
Super awesome!
Thank you for an awesome giveaway!
would love it. Thank you
oh wow thats a lot of points
5k points? I haven’t had that in a loooong time!
Oooh… new shinies!
Good luck to all
Good luck, all!
This is amazing! Thank you!
You shall not pass!
A worthy successor to CSTM
Nice job guys!
Thanks guys!
Thank you very much for the chance to win, and good luck to everyone who enters!
Good Luck!!! Would love to win this one though!
5000 TPs? Awesome giveaway
GL everyone!
Thank you for this gift! Keep the dream alive guys!
Good luck everybody!
yay! thanks for this giveaway!
Thank you, this is awesome!
wow 5000 tps …
Ohhh….a give away, yes please!
It’s not pie, but it will still be very nice to have.
*wonders if RNGs can be influenced by pasteries*
One code to rule them all… Thank you for the giveaway, and good luck everyone!
Thank you
Love Lotro!!! Thanks for the giveaway
I could really use some TP to get some goodies for my defiler!
Points always good to get more content
Thanks for the chance. Congrats to the future winner!
Whaaat! 5000 Turbine Points will be so many quest packs!
Here’s hoping!
A chance to win for a mere comment? Lovely!
Yes, please!
Fantastic way to jump start a new adventure in Lotro. Thanks!
*waves her hands energetically at the RNG and um everyone*
Nice giveaway!
These are always fun
Quest packs, expansions, or COSMETICS! Thanks!
Gotta love Lotro!
Thank you!
Points Giveaway SpectacuLAR!
This comment won’t win. I just know it!
Guess I’ll play LOTRO later instead.
I needs it, I wants it!
5000 tp would allow me to finally get the new areas of Gondor!
Good luck fellow fans and thanks LP !
Thank you Lotro Players – listen every week.
Baruk Khazad!
Good luck, people!
Love the game! Would love have more TP to unlock areas!
Awesome giveaway! LOTRO is the best game ever

I don’t want to farm more points. I’ll take some holidays if i have the giveaway!
Please Oh Please Oh Please
Awesome! For Middle-Earth!
Oh yes please
Very cool!
Hurrah for random giveaways!
Oh this would be awesome!
Thank you for the giveaway!
I so need those points!
TP me please!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Yes please!
Good luck all.
Onward to Mordor!
I like turbine points! Thank you
Hopeful entry
Woow thanks for this
Fantastic giveaway!
Pick me, pick me!
Thanks for this great giveaway!
Oh how I would love to get some horses and shiny things!
This would be nice
Good gift ^.^
Pick me!
one of the biggest MMORPGs out there and one of my favourites
Fingers crossed.-
Well this is very nice of you, I’m glad for whoever wins.
Oh the mithril coins I could get with that!
./slap Estelali
Thanks so much for holding the competition!
awesome giveaway
Ooo thank youu forward Patreon!!!! :****
Good luck Everyone
I just spent all my tp on Wildermore…
I love me some TP.
Great another giveaway hope i win probably not like always
well good 2 everyone else!
Pretty cool competition. Good luck to all that enter.
Ohoho , nice
Nice, consider me entered
Would love to win!
LOTRO for the win!!!!
Edit : love lotro and lord of the rings books and films
Who doesnt
I hope i win i need the point
I hope i win
Awesome!! *crosses his fingers*
Will be nice to get this CASH!!!
Good luck my fellow lotro players
So shiny!
Awesome giveaway!! Good luck everyone
This is nice of you to do! Thanks!
Good luck to me … and of course to the others too
Thank you LOTROPlayers!
Impoverished Guardian seeks TPs to support questing and deeding through Gondor.
Winner, winner 5000 TPs for dinner
Thanks for the chance to win!
LOTRO is the best!!
This reminds me, I have been meaning to come back and play through Rohan and Gondor. Thanks for the chance!
Good luck everyone, may the best dwarf win!
5000 Points to rule them all!
That’s a great giveaway!
well ain’t that grand – indeed five grand!
I love these giveaways! Good luck everyone o/
Would be nice to buy Helms Deep with it
Ooh exciting!!
Goodluck everyone 
Oh well, how nice! good luck everyone!
Thanks for giveaway! Good luck everyone
Love this game!
Thadadir of Brandywine reporting in! This could be my big chance to get a few extra quest packs. Whoo
Guys as always great work that you are doing! thank you so much for the giveaway! hope I will win
Awwwww!! This is lovely!
love your youtube channel
Good luck to all!
Thx for the giveaway! GL everyone!
Wooohooo……… I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed this 5000 Turbine Point Code Giveaway!!! <3
Fly you fools
Everyone loves giveaways!
YaY free TP’s
Glad you are all still so involved with LOTRO.
gimme gimme gimme
I hope I win but good luck everyone
For Pony!
Worth a try, isn’t it?
5000 turbine points for me!
Awesome game
Here`s johnny!
u Guys r awesome
Lotro is the best game EVER
Hey, I’ll take those!
Salutations from Meneldor!
Thanks for the giveaway, and good luck everyone
I love lotro and would love to win some points ;). Thank you and good luck to all.
Thank you for the chance to win this.
Good luck babies
Thanks for the giveaway
Love Middle earth. 5000 points? just what i need for next updates
Would be just What I need to get the star lits for my LIs, thanks and good luck everyone!
5000 tp? fat chance but would be nice
Very nice of you
Hail and well met
Winning this would make playing with my brother who has a lifetime membership a lot easier.
Best giveaway ever, also update 16 was awesome.
LOTRO Players forever!
dear RNG Gods, please please please!!!
well well well nice
Hook a lotro nerd up
I’m in for the win!! Hopefully.
I hope I win, thank you LOTRO Players!
Oooh! That’s a lot of points!
I would like to have 5000 tp please
Hope to win
<3 LPN, thanks to the Patreon sponsors who helped make this happen.
Been playing Lotro since the beginning, it keeps my interest. 8 years running.
Yup, I kinda want that code
Gimme it! I love LOTRO 8D
Love visiting Middle Earth in LOTRO!
Isengard bids 5
All the comments! Love the site and podcasts guys, thanks for everything!
One Lotro Game to Rule them all and One Site that Binds Them.
This site has it all for any play style in Lotro. Hope your around for many many years to come.
This would fund a few more quest packs. Wouldn’t that be nice! Thanks!
I love this game!
Wow this is really cool!
Precious, my precious!
Nice giveaway.
Love this game and grateful for your shows!
Wow 5000 TP? Oh the fun I can have!
Founder here…still love this game to this day. Made so many friends.
Your the Best
Thank you for the giveaway man, I love lotro and love this website!!! Good Luck Everyone!!!!
That would be a nice birthday gift for me o/
Thanks for letting us have a chance to win!
Sign me up for the giveaway.
Thanks for this opportunity@
Awesome giveaway! Thanks guys!
mmmmmm Points
My hobbit fingers could really use 5000 Turbine Points
Thank you for the giveaway and congratz to whoever wins !
Hello !
Beautiful action, it had divided directly in my community. Always keep it up.
Great Game!
Just lay the code right over here! Yep, right there.
5000 TP… Nice! My PRECIOUS!!!!
good luck all! all hail RNGesus
thanks for this and good luck everyone
I’d love to take this points home with me
i want to win
Good Luck to all af US
Greetings to all Lotro Players!
Awesome! Good luck everyone!
so u guys want a comment from me huh?
How lovely! Good luck to all
what a wonderful idea
Nice, I could use the tp
It’s very nice.
Would be awesome to win some points, great give away!
Hi, I’m a German Player an I love Lotro.
5.000 TP enough to buy helms’ deep and to reach edoras.
All that is gold does glitter, XD
Good luck to all
Well, I am in
Nice idea folks!
Greetings from Oschatz.
Would be great if I won this
Awesome! Would love to get some extra points!
nice idea
good luck to everyone 
Thank you for the giveaway – such a nice thought
Hopefully I will get them but good luck to everyona else!
Select me
Glad I’ve found you here
Very nice! Good luck everyone!
Would be nice
5000 Tater Pies? Sign me up! Good luck everyone.
Thank you for doing this! Good luck to everyone :).
I would be very excited about the 5000 points , looking forward …. I like Lotro !!!
Yay! Good luck to everyone!
That would be a blast!
Some TP would be awesome.

My Hobbit would rofl if I win
I would be happy to win thank you for the giveaway
Good luck everyone!
Great job on getting another giveaway together.
Thank you for this chance to win.
Nice good luck to everybody!
one two three baruk khazad, 5000 points for a war prepare dwarf
Now, that’s cool!
Good luck
Great Giveaway Mate, thumps up
This is awesome! Hope I’ll win. Really wanna buy an expansion pack XD
got way more chance of being struck by lightning.
but whatever, i’m in. :p
Awesome GA
Good luck to everyone!
Thank you
This is awesome.
Lotro <3
Bungabunga !
5000 TP could make this “F2P” game feel less like a Demo..anyway 300 hours of grind and not even a character on highest level. At least I could skip the ridicolous grind for TP.
I would be very happy about this.. :l
Well, I suppose its worth a try
can’t wait till Minas Tirith …. i hope it looks awesome !!
Thanks for the contest!
It would be nice to win
Hopefully the bagginses won’t steel this precious
Hope you keep up the good work.
This would give me a nice push to get back into the game.
Thank you for this change. LotRO is the best mmo ever!?m
I love this game. It is so nice.
Thanks for doing this
hello all, and welcome to nothing
Good luck:) And thank you:)
Good Luck.
Greetings from Germany
To think of all the things I can buy with 5000 Turbine Points
Hope to win
Wow – it would be awesome to get it. Good luck to all!
i love the game it’s very interesstin
I always need my lotro
Good luck everyone!
Would love to be able to buy all the low level qp’s
Huzzah for giveaways!
Awesome giveaway, regardless of who wins it – thanks for this chance!
Thanks so much for doing this!!
Awesome work guy’s and good luck for the next hundred episodes
good luck everyone, I love lotro !!!!!!!
abzulut splendidly
thanks for this and good luck guys!!!! ^^
Praying to the RNG God and dreaming of emptying the Lotro Store.
Thanks guys and win the best, i.e. myself :DDDD
Good luck guys :)))))
Oh wow! This would be so useful for summer!
Nice, keep up the good work.
bye bye and thank you this is game is very fantastic
This is just great! I wish you all good luck!
Good luck everyone!
Just came back to the game, would be a great welcome back present! Go LOTRO!
What a lovely thing to do for someone. Good luck and may whoever win, pay it forward
would love it. Thank you
THank you!
Ok i dont think i’ll win but i want to try it
Very nice!
Hope I get it!
we love this game
Nice !!!!
May the best me win!
need TP for my LOTRO…
good luck all..
Awesome, good luck everyone!
Great initiative!
I would love these turbine points because gondorian 5 mithril coin travel is terribleeeeee
Thanks LOTRO Players and good luck everybody!
Good luck!
Wow . . . this is so nice . . . great idea !
You are the best !
I need those tp :/
I am in
My precious!
Best Wishes to All and Good Luck!
Hope I win!!
thanks a lot!
please give your contribution to the Hungry Hobbit Association to me. I’m going to distribute it to my needy hobbits
Great giveaway! Thanks for your furthering of the Lotro community!
Mae govannen mellyn nîn! Würde mich auch sehr feinst freuen und ich würde ein Tablett Törtchen springen lassen wenn ich die gewinnen täte! Baruk Khazad!
Middle-Earth, you are the best!
Oh how many horses I could get with 5000 TP…
Some TP would be very welcome!
I could totally use them.
gotta love the hobbit second breakfast
Whaaaat awesome!
this is a fantastic game
lotro rules for more than lots of reasons !!!
Yaay for freebies!!
This would be sweet
Thats awesome! Hope i`ll win Lol
it will be nice!
I need tp *—-*
Excellent, thanks!
Wow generous! Thanks
Thank you.
Lotro will always have special place in my gaming collection
Try my luck and enter.
Lotro is the perfect way for me to recover from stress
My precious …
Good luck everonye!!
Free TP sign me up please!Good luck everyone:-)
love Lotro want to win
Thanks for this awesome giveaway and all of the things you do. Keep up the great work guys (and gals).
5000 tps thats awesome!
want to win!
It great that have this give away, it great way to promote the game. Thanks for doing this.
Awesome! ^_^
Please, RNG god, be with me!
give aways!!! gimmee
You Are the Best! May the force ne with you! Oh,shit
Wrong theme, sorry
Thanks for the giveaway!
Good luck.
Yay for Turbine points!
I am very excited about the update Minas Tirith this year! :o)
Number 1 site for Lotro players!
Anybody want a peanut?
LotRo – The only real MMORPG
this would be awesome to win!
How nice is this.. <3
This is good
This is awesome!
Lotro is the best.
Wow , once again nice giveaway guys , you guys rock as always
Thanks for all you do to make this the best community of gamers!
I have always not enough points. Give it to me!
Mine prizes!
Good luck to all of us! This is exactly why I love LOTRO!
A very good giveaway!
Nice offer , i hopei win , i need this points to buy quest packs .
Love Lotro
LOTRO is great game! I like gieaways =)
Khazad Ai-Menu! (Lok’tar ogar!)
What would YOU do with 5000 TP’s?
That’s really nice! Good luck all!
My precioussssss
that would entice me to buy a lot of very ugly cosmetic looks for my monster characters.
Heh! I would know how to spend it!
Really need tp for new EP
Keep up the lotro support this site is so helpful
Hooray for Giveaways!
Good luck everyone
This was a nice one. Hopefully this rng is a better one.
5,000 tp is great for giveaway, thanks lotro
Love you
Perfect, to win 5000 Turbin Points would be fine
Hey! That’s amazing! =)
Coming back to lotro in great style! I think winning this contest will finally give me incentive to finish my lotro eating plugin!!! =D
So much love for this incredible game – still going stong.
LOTRO is my favourite game of all time, and I love listening to your podcasts while I play!
Me like it!
These are wonderful news !
Good luck to all
It would be nice to win a giveaway like this
Ooh, that is very nice!
Great game.
Would love to win this. Kinda new to LOTRO and there is so much I’d like to send points on.
Great game and generous prize
That’s a lot of Turbine Points
Nice!!! Good luck everyone
Hope to win! Good luck everyone!
That’s nice :O) good luck to everybody..
windfola and lotro for the win
5000 tp!!! cooool!!!
Who doesn’t love free turbine points
Thanks for the chance
hoping to win
Awesome giveaway
Well this would come in handy. Thanks.
So what would you buy if you won the 5k?
sum of the interior angles of a triangle is 180
Hope i win
Ooh, 5000 Turbine Points. I bet quite a few of us could always do with some more TP. Thanks for the giveaways LOTROplayers, and good luck to all participants!
Good luck everyone
Good luck
Good luck everyone!
Count me in. Love LOTRO.
Wow. 5000 TP. THAT’s an awesome giveaway. Keep going guys !!
5000 is a lot!!! Love to win that
Thanks Players Alliance!
Nice, indeed, how kind people around are to give us this chance!
Might be a new comment record…
How nice of Turbine! Whoever wins, gz.
If I only had a waffle copter I might have a chance to win this thing.
Nice giveaway! Good luck everyone.
thx 4 free Points
Dwarves rule! (Thanks for the giveaway.
Very awsome
This is Awesome!
good luck to everyone!
Very Nice game LOVE LOTRO!
Awesome giveaway good luck !
I think its great to know that there are such people who care about this wondeful game
This would be great, as I just had to drop to premium from VIP.. so I could get the packs I need! Good luck to all!!! Wow, so many people entering!!! Crazy!!
Love the podcast and site as well!
yumi TP
Hoping to win, I need to buy beorning and a few regions!
Thanks for having this giveaway!!!!
Time’s up, let’s do this! Points, please.
Dont close Withywindle.
Cheers guys for all the hard work you do for the game.
Good luck to everyone
Hey guys, thanks for this giveaway, I really need the points to buy the quest packs, as I only have Evendim. Good luck to all of the participants.
Now, that’s just awesome!
Thanks LOTROPlayers for the giveaway. Good luck to everyone.
Awesome chose me
I hope i win !
I hope i Win ! I need the points !
I hope to win just to get back into the game ^_^
I have tried many other games but LotRO is still my favourite, maybe because I love Tolkien’s books and it is set in Middle-Earth. It would be great to get such a great amount of points since I am a f2p and currently cannot afford to pay for the game.
Good luck to everyone !
It’d be nice to win this!
Thank you very much for doing this!
Any Turbine Points make a player H.A.P.P.Y
Hurra Giveaway!!!
Good luck to all!
Uh oh. A bazillion comments already.
Simple math tells me I shouldn’t get overexcited here!
There is only one thing we must decide what to do, and that is what to do with our time. Play LOTRO of course!
thanks in advance!
Oooh nice
i hope i win!!!!
i need dem points
Lovin’ the giveaways
Moor Points
ty for the give way:)
Yay! Hope I win.
I want to win this so bad…
So many comments.
Still I gotta try.
I want this so bad…
Of all the stuff I wanna buy…
Oooh, free stuff!
Whao Thanx guys
Hello! Really apprecieate the idea! I wish you a great summer!
5000TP vs 1 year code lets see who will win …!!!!
Good luck for everyone!
Give us the precious points
What a cool offer!
Another very generous giveaway!
Good luck everyone!
(RNG don’t fail me now)
I could do so much with these points. And by that I mean spend on crazy crap. Fingers crossed!
Got my fingers crossed
Good luck
Show me the points LOL
happy 2 years!
Thank you for the chance to expand my immersion as a Tolkien fan.
we’ll see
What are the chances? Ah, I’ll take them!
This comment is awaiting moderation
Best of luck to everyone!
This is amazing!
I hope lucky ..
I would love to win
Ready for it!
Thank you
This is Good!
Good luck everyone
Grab Dat Loot!
Woohoo! Thank you for this opportunity, love this game for years now!
I wanna get this giveaway to get more benefit out of my beloved lotro
Just do it!
I hope i win i need the point
Yay, big code!!
I love LOTRO players podcast, just started listening
me me e
its good to have people like you..
Fantastic comp.
Molly Holy
Points, please!
I could sure use some TP!lol
=) Nobody neeeeeeeds TP more than me… √
Great game, great giveaways. Good luck to everyone!
yay free TP
Good luck everyone!
Turbine Point hype!
Good luck everyone
Awesome idea
I would like too win
Need this:D
Good luck to everyone!
Won’t win but hey, I guess I’m here
Proud to be a patreon and good luck everyone.
i really need some tp 
good luck everyone <3
Ieekkk!! Gotta try
You are the best
Good luck to everyone !!
I would like to win some points.
5000 turbine points?!?! That would be amazing for me!
need points
Good luck!!! Off to play LOTRO now, what a surprise…
For the shire!
For the win!
good luck
Good luck
Okay here’s hoping I win on my birthday.
very nice!
I love this site! I will bookmark it for life.
Thank you very much for the chance
with the will & the word, we win!
Win something was always my dream
Blessings of the Eldar be upon you.
Good luck folks
Another excellent Prize.
Whomever wins is certainly going to be quite happy.
Yet one more reason to love LoTRO Players.
5000 Tp’s would fit nicely in my account!
nice event, hope i can win ^^
Good Luck to all, especially to ME!!!
Thanks for doing this awesome giveaway!
Me, Me pick me!!!
I hope I win.
I really want this point !!!!!
Thanks to LOTRO Players for everything you do!
Uh, sounds nice. I hope i win.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Hooray! More points for Captain`s Power!
GL everyone !
Moria, here I come!
I want !!!! :DDDD
=) as a lvl 50 in moria i neeeeeeed dat giveaway sooooooo much, man … otherwise i’d die! ._.
Thanks LPN!
Great job with another giveaway!
Thank you for the opportunity and good luck everyone.
Thank you LP for another awesome giveaway!
It would be great to win 5000 TP, very handy indeed!
Thank you for doing this.
Hoping to win.
Bring it on!
Oh lovely Turbine Points!
Great site, great podcasts and vids. Thanks.
I want to win!
Oh my Oh my.
Thanks & goodluck
So many points.. So little time..
What a wonderful thing it would be to win the points!
Thanks for a great giveaway!
Sweet you guys are the best, come on RNG!!!
This is great! I wantsssss
Good luck everybody, thanks for such a great endeavour!
Yay giveaways! Thanks and gl all
*salutes* Thanks for the giveway – please sign me up!
Here’s hoping
I am in for this!!!
hi all
happy gaming
good luck to everyone
I hope I am not too late for this one!
5000 TP for me!!!
Wow! Thank you for being generous! I hope to win, there will be some good use of TPs!
Is not too late for my TP?
690 FTW
Very very nice! Thank you!
Last try, will enter me on other contests but not this one for some reason, thought I’d have till the end of the day.
So who won this one? =O
I WANA WIN SOOOO BAD i hope i win
Good Luck everyone
Good luck all
My, please
I could really use this plz