Community Events 20th -26th Oct.

Welcome to another Community Events post.  

This post is a list of all known player run events planned for this week.

If  you have an event and would like to have it included in this list please email or leave a comment, or you can always send me an in game letter to Lilikate on Landroval. Every effort is made to ensure the details listed in this article are correct. If you spot any errors please leave a note  in the comments section.

Featured Events of the Week: (see listings for details)

The Firebrands: Sunday

Not to be missed! This is the first time The Firebrands will be performing their mounted musical set. I urge all Landrovallians to head on over to the park to enjoy this very special concert. Adventurers hats and Trousers with patches would get you in the right mood for this band who hail from Crickhollow.

FB19636Mid (2)

Tricks and Treats: Thursday

An event hosted by The Bounders of The Shire Kinship, music by the amazing Cherrie and the Warders. Folks are invited to Whitwich in The Shire, to be entertained with an evening of Tricks and Treats. For all who love role-play this is a must! Stories, Poems, Music and much more! Hopefully some good things to eat too!

Solve A Mystery Event: Saturday

The folks at Windy Acres Ranch are at it again! Hosting another fine role-playing interactive event. Come along to 9 Chestnut Street, Raglan, Bree Homesteads to take part and possibly be the person to solve the bi-annual riddle. This event begins with an auction (see saturdays listing for details) in aid of the Children’s Miracle Network. Starting at 4.00pm Server Time on Sat 25th October. 

New Band Alert:

Roving reporters in Bree have spotted a group of Hobbits in matching costume playing for the public outside the prancing Pony Inn. Although they do not play a regular weekly slot be on the lookout for this very talented group who call themselves: Little Wanderers – A fantastic new band, hiling from Eldar. 



Monday 20th October.

Name: Nibbles and Nobs/ Ales and Tails.

Server: Landroval

Time: 8.30pm – 11.30EDT

Location: Crickhollow, Buckland.

Name: Elevenses

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11.00pm-12.30am

Location: The Bird and Baby Inn.

Tuesday 21st October.

Name: Green Hill Music Society

Server: Landroval

Time: 10.00pm-11.00pm

Location: Beer Garden the Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.

Wednesday 22nd October

Name: Eldar Music Night

Server: Eldar

Time: 2.00pm

Location: The Prancing Pony Stage, Bree.

Name: Maidens of Vanimore

Server: Landroval

Time: 8.00pm-9.30pm.

Location: Bree Park

Name: Bright Star

Server: Landroval

Time: 9.30pm-10.30pm.

Location: Bree Park

Thursday 23rd October

Name: Les Chantefables

Server: Landroval

Time: 3.00pm EDT

Location: The Party Tree, Hobbiton Hill. The Shire.

Name: Bird and Baby Yard Party

Server: Laurelin

Time: 7.30pm – 9.00pm BST  2.30pm- 4.oopm EDT

Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.

The Bird and Baby staff hosts a weekly yard party at the inn, ending “when the last guest leaves”. Contact: Bilbeto, Bird and Baby Staff.

Name: Concerning Hobbits – Party Time

Server: Landroval

Time: 8.30pm to 10.00pm

Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.

The parties feature games, music, pies, light RP, and prizes. Party games (which rotate out week-to-week) include the Bad Joke Contest, Hot Tater, Hide-a-Hobbit, Drunken Backwards Racing, and more.

Name: Eriador Music Society

Server: Landroval

Time: 10.30pm – 11.30pm

Location: The Green near the large Statue, Michel Delving.

Friday 24th October

Name: Die Meisterbaden Von Bree

Server: Vanyar

Time: 2.00pm – 4.00pm

Location: Bree Auction House

Name: Green Dragon Friday

Server: Laurelin

Time: 3.00pm – 5.00pm (8.oopm to 10.00pm BST)

Location: The Green Dragon Inn, Bywater.

Name: A Rock and a Hard Place (Weatherstock Winners)

Server: Dwarrowdelf

Time: 4.00pm -5.00pm

Location: West Gate, Bree Town.

Name: Bread and Jam

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 9.00pm

Location: The Prancing Pony Inn, Bree Town.

“Bread and Jam” – Takes over The Prancing Pony.  Join us for music, dancing, light RP and storytelling.

Name: Tricks and Treats

Server: Landroval

Time: 9.00pm 

Location: Whitwich, The Shire.

Tricks and Treats happening! Folks’ll tour the neighborhood with Cherrie and the Warders, stoppin’ by at various folks offerin tricks treats stories, poems, riddles and songs and goodies and the like.

Name: The Just KrAbby’s

Server: Landroval

Time: 9.30pm – 11.00pm

Location: Pierson’s Farm, South Bree.

Saturday 25th October

Name: The Breakfast Club

Server: Crickhollow 

Time: 1.00pm – 2.00pm

Location: South Bree, Near Stable Master.

Name: Under The Sunlit Sky

Server: Landroval

Time: 3.00pm – 4.00pm

Location: Bree, Prancing Pony.

Name: Solve A Mystery Evening and Auction

Server: Landroval

Time: 4.00pm – 6.30pm

Location:9 Chestnut Street Raglan, Breeland Homesteads.

The event features a detailed roleplaying story and is open to characters of all levels.
The game is designed to be played by any number people.

The event begins with a live auction of in-game items to raise money for charity.
The highest bidder in each auction must donate the promised amount directly to
Rick Heaton’s “Extra Life” campaign to receive the items.

The mystery game begins at the conclusion of the auction.
During the mystery game, our actors will take scripted roles in an exciting story.
You will roleplay a Bounder, Ranger, sheriff, or someone else appointed to investigate.
Clues are gained by interviewing the witnesses, roleplaying in-character.
You will have 30 minutes to interview the witnesses, located in adjacent houses.

After completing your investigation, tell the host who the culprit is and other details of the crime.
The first person who solves the mystery with the most correct clues wins 2,500 Turbine Points!
Second place wins 1,000 TP and third place wins 500 TP.

Participants should show up dressed appropriately for a Halloween masquerade party or as investigators.
Please leave weapons larger than daggers at home. Pets should be kept outdoors.

After the mystery is solved, participants are invited to stay for a concert.
Music will be provided by the Remediators and the Starlight Orchestra.
This year’s theme is Phantom of the Opera!

More information will be posted as the event approaches.
All rules and necessary information will be provided at the event.

Contact Kiralynn on Landroval or by email at if you have questions about the event.


The solve-a-mystery evening will begin with an in-game live auction!

We will be auctioning sets of in-game items. Participants can listen in and bid on the Regional channel of Raglan, Bree-land homesteads.
The winning bidder must donate the promised amount directly to Rick Heaton’s “Extra Life” campaign to receive the items.
This campaign raises money for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

Here is the list of auction items so far…

* Lonely Mountain Band Concert
Members of the LMB will perform a one-hour concert at a time and location chosen by the auction winner (based on player and character availability).

* Ride To Victory
Sufficient reputation items to gain Kindred status with the following factions:
Men of Bree, Mathom Society, Thorin’s Hall, Elves of Rivendell, Rangers of Esteldin, Wardens of Annuminas, Council of the North, Lossoth of Forochel, Iron Garrison Miners, and Iron Garrison Guards.
There are also travel maps in the set to help your character reach faction vendors.
Gaining Kindred status grants the ability to buy faction steeds, enjoy discounts on travel and goods, purchase special goods and recipes, and repair gear at a discount.
It will also grant 50 Turbine Points per faction, unlock faction titles, and bring the character very close to completing the World Renowned deed.
We may have more than one of these sets available at the auction.

* Maps of the World
One of each wall housing item necessary to complete the Eriador and Moria cartographer deeds.

* Color Your Wardrobe
A set of seven dyes of each color.
We will have three or more of these sets available at auction.

* Friend To The Animals
One tome for each Lore Master animal: cat, dog, frog, fox, snake, and squirrel.
We may have more than one set available at auction time.

* Master Musician
One manual for each of the following instruments: clarinet, flute, harp, horn, drum, theorbo, bagpipes, pibgorn, cowbell, and moor cowbell.
We will have at least two of these sets available at auction.

* Live Like A Horse Lord
One each of Rohan furniture pieces: bed, bookcase, credenza/bureau/cupboard, chair, chandelier, shield rack, keg, tapestry/shield set, antlers/stag head, shelf, and horse post.
Also included are a bear skin rug, brown rug, log holder, animal trophy, and other miscellaneous furniture items.
We will have at least two of these sets available at auction.

Additional items may become available before the event.

Here are the auction rules —
* Each item set will be announced and questions about it will be answered before bidding begins.
* Kiralynn will conduct the auction in the neighborhood’s Regional channel. Please make sure you have this channel active in your chat window.
* Bidders must announce their bids on the Regional channel. Kiralynn will acknowledge high bids as she sees them.
* Bidders can offer any amount of money exceeding the previous bid. In the case of tie bids, the first one received by Kiralynn will be accepted.
* Once bidding on an item has stopped for over a minute, Kiralynn will call for last bids on an item. If no higher bid is received, the auction will close.
* The high bidder must immediately donate money to Rick Heaton’s (Sapience’s) Extra Life campaign, in the full amount of the bid.
* The item set will not be sent to the winner until the donation is confirmed on the campaign’s donation page, and the winner has sufficient space in his/her in-game mailbox.
* Kiralynn must be able to identify the donation by the name or correct amount. Bidders can contact Kiralynn through /tell with donation information if necessary.
* Previous donations to Extra Life do not qualify as auction bids.
* If the high bidder is not able to complete the donation, the second highest bidder will be offered the item set at the lower amount they offered.
* The winner must receive the items within 24 hours, through sufficient space in inventory and in-game mailbox.
* In the event of a dispute, tie bid, or issue involving lag, all efforts will be made to resolve the situation fairly, however Kiralynn is the final authority.
* There are no refunds. All sales are final.

More information is available regarding the mystery!

A ruby necklace has been stolen during a Halloween masquerade party.

In order to win, investigators must determine…
Who stole the ruby necklace?

* What color was their mask?
* What food did they eat the most?
* What musical instrument did they play?
* What pipe weed did they smoke?
* In what order did they arrive?

It’s time to announce the prizes!

The first person who solves the mystery with the most correct clues wins 2,500 Turbine Points!
Second place wins 1,000 TP and third place wins 500 TP.

Name: LOTRO Players Adventures

Server: Landroval

Time: 5.00pm – 6.00pm

Location: Middle Earth.

Send a “/tell” to Stafdang to group up and experience raid content!

Name: Animal House

Server: Landroval

Time: 9.00pm to 12.00am

Location: Prancing Pony Stables

Sunday 26th October

Name: Bards Beers and Long Beards

Server: Landroval

Time: 12.00am

Location: Prancing Pony Inn, Bree.

Name: No Whole Bard

Server: Elendilmir

Time: 07.00am

Location: Prancing Pony Rock.

Name: Elevenses

Server: Crickhollow

Time: 11.00am to 1.00pm EDT

Location: Bird and Baby Inn, Michel Delving.

Name: The Andune Ensemble 

Server: Landroval

Time: 3.00pm

Location: Bree Stage.

Name: The Firebrands! 

Server: Landroval

Time: 4.10pm- 5.15pm EDT

Location: Bree Park.

Name: Les Beaux Chapeaux

Server: Landroval

Time: 10,00pm – 11.30pm

Location: 4 Myrtle Ct, Treegarth, Shire Homesteads.

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