Baldur’s Gate: Something Old, Something New

Hello everyone in the Lotro Players universe! It’s the long-lost but still not gone (permanently) Ivan of TTPalantir and Fellowship of the Creep semi-mediocre fame(?)!

Anyway I am here to announce the beginning of a brand new series that will be posted up here for you to follow. It is a Let’s play series of the classic RPG series, Baldur’s Gate. The twist being that I have never played any of the games in this series so it is a chance to see someone go through this much adored series with completely new eyes.

The first 21 episodes are already up and will be added to individual posts on the site, but this one has a link to the entire playlist so you can binge right away. But I must warn you: The first four episodes are BAD because I try to use Google Hangouts to livestream them. THE QUALITY GETS BETTER. 

Anyway, that is the news, so feel free to start watching!

-Ivaneus of Through the Palantir

2 thoughts on “Baldur’s Gate: Something Old, Something New”

  1. Probably one of my favorite if not favorite single player rpg’s of all time. Everything Black Isle did around this time (Baldur’s Gate I, II. Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights, Planescape) was pure gold. Really immersive story and some excellent npc characters.

  2. Hey! WAIT are you really going to do this?

    Oh god, there it goes, another ex-lotro player! =p

    Just kidding, please do this, and don’t forget trying TOEE (Tales of Elemental Evil) an amazing jewel of the single players RPG kind!

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