Music System Changes to Come in Update 15

Music System Changes to Come in Update 15 post thumbnail image

Today a Producer for LOTRO, Produktion Malphunktion (yes I did type that correctly) announced plans to give a long overdue update to the Music System. They have confirmed to be working on tweaking and fine-tuning the currently existing instruments, as well as maybe introducing some new instruments to the game, including String Bass and Serpentine. Note that if these new instruments make it in they will not be equivalent Minstrel instruments, that seems to be the compromise needed to get this update off the ground.

Below is the full Dev Post for your perusal:

Hey All!
One of areas that I have been continually pinged about was the music system. I was in awe at what people are doing with it…i.e. Weatherstock, and started behind the scenes on how we could enhance and fix some of the issues with the system.
This system has such a net positive effect on the game, and more importantly on community it was long overdue for some developer love. I admit one of my favorite things to do is to hang out on the barrels in front of the Prancing Pony and play Bon Ur Aur Stomp.

So this is the short list of things that are being worked on:

Existing Instruments:

-pitch adjustments
-volume adjustments
-Balance adjustments
-tuning pass –which already sounds awesome.

We have a couple of stretch goals-so no promises!! NO PROMISES.

-New Instrument- String Bass-with sustained notes.
-New Instrument-Serpentine- Play the dragon.
IF/when we do new instruments they will be for the ABC system only and not for Minstrel skills. Sorry, but that is the compromise we need to make.

-Stages in the world. Yes one that can be spawned in on Weathertop for events is considered.

I’m open to some other ideas-not for 15 but for the future.


Update: Produktion Malphunktion has returned to make some more comments on the update(among other things)

Here, he states that they will be using current ABCs and popular ABCs from the community to test the upcoming update. He also says that the goal is to get all the instruments in a given band to have normalised volume and be in tune with each other.

“We are using existing, and popular ABC’s from the community for testing. If you have some that you fear may be effected, when we get U15 up on the test world try them out, if they are really out of whack send us a couple of the ABC’s and we can work on it. What we are trying to do is when a band is playing the volume is more normalized, and all the instruments are in tune with each other, instead of in tune with themself…if that makes sense.”

And here, he talks about how he personally has no problem giving niche groups of the community some love on occasion, when they have the resources to do it. He also asks to drop the ‘10%’ subject, as he prefers not to look at a game that way. However, he does note that things like time, money and resources do come into play.

Finally, he states that there will not be an improved graphics engine(no surprise there) and asks for feedback on possibly creating a ‘fake’ violin by using the sounds for the instrument but using already established animations.

“i.e. niche groups-I see no problem giving them some love occasionally, especially when I have resources that can do it, and are psyched about doing it.

the 10% thing. Just drop that. I just don’t look at a game that way. I will consider anything if it is good for the game, and good for the players. There are realities like resources and time and money that do come into play.

Updated graphics engine- Sorry no.

Violin- not for U15. But let me ask, if we ‘fake’ it and use already established animations instead of creating violin animations would that be acceptable?”

5 thoughts on “Music System Changes to Come in Update 15”

  1. I am very excited about these proposed changes!

    A daunting prospect may lie ahead for many arrangers and transcribers but the end result will make this effort worthwhile!

    In tune clarinets! Hurrah! Extra instruments and volume balances would be fantastic 🙂

  2. Fantastic news! What sets LotRO apart from other MMOs is it’s community -though it’s nowhere near what it used to be, in part thanks to Paiz & co.-

    Anything bringing us closer together is very appreciated. Next up; kinship revamp?

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