LOTRO Players News Episode 61: Thin Water

This week we have a great discussion on our favorite NPCs and we voice an origin story about how we met.

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Buried Treasure Event Aug. 22nd – 24th

LOTRO Players News

60 Day VIP Code Giveaway

LOTRO Academy: 98 – The Lieutenants

LOTRO Video Highlights: Mines of Moria Teaser

LOTRO Outfit: Vengeful Elf

Poll: What is your favorite LOTRO expansion?

LOTRO Players Adventures Episode 28: Walking Tentacles

LOTRO Poems #6

Brax’s pick of the week: How to survive busy LOTRO eventsby Lina Willowwood at Lina’s biscuity burrow

News Beyond LOTRO

A Tribute to Dol-Amroth

Sauron’s Deadly Servant – Part 1

Shadow of Mordor DLC Announced

Braxwolf is Participating in the Extra Life Fundraiser

Question of the Week


Who is the most impactful NPC created by Turbine in the fight against evil?

Who is your least favourite NPC created by Turbine?

Who is your favorite NPC created by Turbine?


A big thanks to Andrew for a $10 or more donation to LOTRO Players!

To help support LOTRO Players simply go to the donation page where you can help support the podcasts on LOTRO Players and also help support the site.  We have $5 and $10 mentions where you can donate and get a mention on one or all of our active podcasts for an episode depending on the amount.



This week we did not receive any reviews but would love your support!

Featured Comments

SS Beauchamp left a comment on last week’s show:

“As someone who’s lost a loved one to ALS, seeing that Turbine did the Ice Bucket Challenge was incredibly touching. The challenge has more than quadrupled the annual donations towards finding a cure to this fatal disease.

I think it’s awesome that Turbine and the LOTRO community are involved in helping others, from the Fellowship Walk to Sapience’s Extra Life (which I sincerely hope someone else will takeover next year).”

Merryrose left a comment on last week’s show:

“Enjoyed the Ode to Pineleaf but thoroughly enjoyed Flosiin’s class tavern fight story. “I am Groot!” had me on the floor laughing so hard. Did someone mention pie?”


Kaleigh Secret sent in an origin story:

“Greetings! 🙂

This may be a bit ambitious, but I tried to cover most of the cast, and I wrote it as a play of sorts, where each of you would say your lines as yourselves, if that makes sense?

Pineleaf (Narrarator):  Early one morning, an enthusiastic young man bounds through the automatic doors of the local Walmart while on a quest to buy new clothes…

Andang:  Hail and well met, friends!

Pineleaf (Narrarator):  The young man sees an attendant at the nearby Information booth looking both despondent and very lonely.  He goes over…

Ethelros:  Hey (Eeyore voice)

Andang:  Hail and well met, friend!  I am on a quest to buy some new clothes!  Where should I go?

Pineleaf (Narrarator):  The attendant points further into the store…

Ethelros:  That aisle over there.  But you won’t find anything nice. (Eeyore Voice)

Pineleaf (Narrarator):  At this point, a voice over the public address system is heard…

Draculetta:  Greetings, everyone.  Today’s sale is 20% off of Legendary Blankets and Bedding.  That’s 20% off of Legendary Blankets and Bedding.  Meh.

Andang:  That sale is amazing!

Draculetta:  And today’s giveaway is 1 free sample of air freshener.  Coupon Code:  L-O-G-I-C.  That’s L-O-G-I-C.

Pineleaf (Narrarator):  L-O-G-I-C?  I wonder what that…

Andang:  (coughs) Narrarator…

Pineleaf (Narrarator):  Moving right along!

Andang:  I wonder if I should shop for some sporting good while I am here…

Ethelros:  Sorry.  The salesman and his clan are on holiday camping in the Braxwood. (Eeyore voice)

Andang:  Thanks for the information, and we’ll see you again real soon.

Etherlos:  My question for the week is:  Are you mad?

Pineleaf (Narrarator):  The young man makes his way to the clothing department where he finds two women.  One is seated at a table with many bottles of dye, while the other bustles about with garments draped over both shoulders and arms.

Andang:  Hail and well met, friends!

Pineleaf (Narrarator):The woman carrying the clothes drops them immediately to the floor and rushes over to the young man…

Cithryth:  Clothes!  You must be shopping for some new clothes!  Come, let me help you!

Pineleaf (Narrarator):  The woman takes the young man by the arm and pulls him over to the nearest clothing rack, where she begins draping all manner of clothing over him.

Cithryth:  This outfit will look great!  I’ll call it my Man off the Street outfit.  My assistant here can dye them for you.

Mysteri:  I dye a lot.

Pineleaf (Narrarator):  The voice over the address system chimes in…

Draculetta:  Me, too.

Cithryth:  I think we should go with Steel Blue.  Do you think we should go with Steel Blue?  It brings out the color of your eyes.

Andang:  But my eyes are brown.

Cithryth:  STEEL BLUE!

Pineleaf (Narrarator):  The woman pushes the young man into the dressing room, where he comes out minutes later in an all-steel blue outfit.  Looking around, the young man comes to the inevitable conclusion that…

Andang:  This place is amazing!  But what would be even more amazing is if we all went together to a land known as Middle-earth, and we produced a weekly show about it!

Ethelros:  No one would listen (Eeyore voice)

Draculeta:  Do they have Merrevail?

Cithryth:  I will reign as the cosmetic queen!

Andang:  Hey, Narrarator, you can come, too.

Pineleaf (Narrarator):  All right.  I just need to get my sample of free air freshener…

Andang:  Yo, Pineleaf!

And that is the end!  The only thing that some might not get is Draculetta’s asking about Merrevail, but they are sort of vampiric/Draculetic, no? 🙂

You put on great shows each week! :)”

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LOTRO Players @LOTROPlayers

Andang @PvMP_Andang

Braxwolf @Braxwolf

Cithryth @Cithryth

Draculetta @Draculetta_72

Ethelros @Ethelros

Lilikate @LilikateBuggins

Mysteri @Mysterixox

Pineleaf @PineleafNeedles

Final Thoughts

You can join us LIVE for LOTRO Players News each week at 8:30 p.m. Eastern at lotroplayers.com/live.

You can also join us on Landroval for LOTRO Players Adventures each week at 5 p.m. Eastern.

Thanks for listening!

10 thoughts on “LOTRO Players News Episode 61: Thin Water”

  1. Wow! There have been tons of fantastic origin storties. With this much talent we should have competion. It could be called Lord of the Rings Online Player News Origin Stories Got Talent. Or LOTROPNOSGT for short. Kinda rolls off the tongue.

  2. Listened late so missed my swan cloak!

    Great Origin Story – Why don’t you film it? Or just film Andang walking into Wallmart and surprising shoppers by shouting, “Hail and well met, friends!”

  3. Listened to this while traveling today. So hilarious! Disappointed that I missed such a great origin story. Looking forward to coming back in a few weeks.


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