Braxwolf is Participating in the Extra Life Fundraiser

Hello, LOTRO!

This is a pretty unusual post for me, as I try to restrict my posts on LOTRO Players to strictly LOTRO content. I have decided to participate in the Extra Life charity drive this year, and am humbly asking for members of the LOTRO community to consider a donation to this worthy cause. As you may remember, longtime LOTRO community manager Sapience recently left his position for a new opportunity at Extra Life. Extra Life is an organization that raises money for Children’s Miracle Network hospitals.

I have a somewhat personal experience with one of these hospitals, which I have shared on my blog. If you’re interested in the full story, feel free to click though.

Otherwise, it’s easy to donate. Just head over to and click on the “Support Me” button.

I’ve set a lofty goal of $500, and every little bit helps. At the moment, I’m not sure what I’ll be playing during the “marathon”, but you can bet that LOTRO will play a large part! Thank you all for the consideration!

Braxwolf Stormchaser

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