Poll: Have you read a book by Tolkien?

We are interested if our audience has read the books that inspired LOTRO.

So, Have you read a book by Tolkien?

Which zone most needs a revamp?

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17 thoughts on “Poll: Have you read a book by Tolkien?”

  1. Started reading them in 1973 and have read all including the Book of lost Tales, Unfinished Tales and the Silmarillion, at lest once a year, every year, since then. As Frodo instructed Sam at their last parting, ‘so we never forget’.

  2. Well I read the Lord of the rings books and the hobbit fully, I must admit I’m a bit stuck on the silmarillion.

    Oh and I voted who because I liked the answer 😛

      1. I would also recommend the JRR Tolkien audio collection. It is a 4 cd set with Tolkien reading portions of the Hobbit (with gollum voice) Lord of the Rings and the adventures of Tom Bombadil. Also included is Christofer Tolkien reading (2 discs I think) sections of the Silmarillion. I love this portion, he sounds very much like his dad and it makes the material more accesible.

      2. The Silmarillion is a wonderful book if you come to it without expecting it to be a novel like LotR or The Hobbit. It’s great background for understanding the elves, early humans, and the relations between the Ainur (Valar and Maiar) and the Children of Eru (elves, humans, and by adoption dwarves). It’s also a good way to learn about Sauron and his boss Morgoth.

  3. Another interesting one would be which Tolkien books people have read (if you can do multi-select polls that is).

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