LEGO Smaug-Centric ‘Hobbit’ Set

LEGO Smaug-Centric ‘Hobbit’ Set post thumbnail image

Warner Brothers is unleashing alot of news at Comic Con this year.

If your a fan or collector of LEGO Sets, then this is wonderful news to you.

A brand new set, titled “LEGO: The Hobbit – The Lonely Mountain,” will mark  the first time the iconic dragon from the world of JRR Tolkien will be available as a Lego toy.


We know a few things about the set. it  is a 866-piece set that comes with five mini-figures — Bilbo Baggins, Balin the Dwarf, Dwalin the Dwarf, Ori the Dwarf and Gloin the Dwarf.

The center piece of the set is  Smaug, who comes with translucent fiery breath, scales, giant wings, sharp claws, spiky tail and poseable joints.

LEGO has gone all out for this set – The Lair of Smaug will showcase a secret door, an Arkenstone-encrusted throne, golden nuggets, treasures, assorted mining tools, conveyor belt, chain pulley to raise and lower bucket, furnace with a light brick, melting pot and torches with translucent flames.

Look for it at your favorite retailer this fall with a retail price of $129.00

3 thoughts on “LEGO Smaug-Centric ‘Hobbit’ Set”

  1. I love the LOTR lego! Just cannot afford it in Argentina!

    Drac are you going to be doing a special series of posts on LOTR lego sets…you sound quite informed!

  2. Yeah, I’m from Brazil and Lego are impossible to be bought here as well…

    I’ve seen sets for more then $600,00 (dollars).

    But I like to see them, and dream! =D

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