Free Sample Of The Week
May 23rd – 29th
+100% Mark Acquisition (90 min) x1
Use Coupon Code SMRK6 1/Account
Another MEH Sale on tap for this week!!!!
Legendary Level Cap Increase
30% Off 
195 137
Drac Say’s – Not A Fan Of The LI System So 
Legendary Item Stat Upgrade
30% Off 
495-1,195 347-837
Drac Say’s – Not A Fan Of The LI System So 
Additional Legacy Slot
30% Off 
995 697
Drac Say’s – Not A Fan Of The LI System So 
Relics and Relic Packs
30% Off 
100-2475 70-1733
Drac Say’s – Not A Fan Of The LI System So 

May 23rd – 26th |
60% off Complete Tier Crafting
35% off Tomes of Might
20% off Quest Pack: North Downs |

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MMMMM, seems like someone’s own personal dislike of the LI system has jaded their opinion, but at least they were open about that lol.
Truth be told I like the LI system just the way it is and imho it doesn’t require a ‘grind’ to get good stuff if you just play that toon a lot you will get plenty of IXP. For example on my cappy if I log into him generally within 90 minutes play time I have already maxed out another 4 fodder LI’s to 60/60. Ready for decon. (not knocking you Drac —just a difference of opinion).
HOWEVER even with that being said, I’d never recommend buying anything from the store that you can get an equivalent with gold in-game. So your thumbs down is very valid on that point alone.
Hmm, when it comes to the LI system, someone is a grumpy guss
I would prefer a different weapons system. I hate having to bin a weapon I have grown fond of, or like because it is yellow and matches my outfit. I hope the system is changed in the near future XXX
I dislike the LI system although I use it …I have been known tobuy a relic removal scroll from store when real desperate…
We need a vote for ‘meh nothing of interest’…and
‘meh…nothing of interest and don’t like LI’s’…Would be intereasting
I’m totally with you on the dislike of the LI system. I’d like to see it totally gutted and revamped like the Class Revamp.
A TIL: if you log on your bank alt that will store these sort of things and search for “mark” all you get is a bear mask (which does not seem to have mark in the description). Very frustrating. Ofc once you figure it out and log on a higher level character it works.