Through the Palantir Episode 46: Lost in the Deep

Through the Palantir Episode 46: Lost in the Deep post thumbnail image

It’s been a while and a lot has happened. But I am back once again, because the uncomfortable stillness just doesn’t stick to Through the Palantir. This is not a standard episode, but it’s hardly a standard podcast to begin with so we’ll let it slide. I discuss Helm’s Deep, where I have been, and more and kick off yet another round of this podcast in usual style. Hopefully you’re all still interested in seeing things Through the Palantir.


You can download Episode 46 here.


3 thoughts on “Through the Palantir Episode 46: Lost in the Deep”

  1. Hey Ivan. Glad to hear you back. I too play a Guardian as my main and as you have mentioned the loss off some iconic skills has been a difficult adjustment. The inability to trait deeply down secondary or tertiary trees can be frustrating. However, I have tried to look at the adjustment as temporary. The Devs have certainly trimmed some of the skill bloat as they intended allowing room for additional skill growth over time. Theoretically (ignoring the sad news this week of Turbine layoffs), as the game progresses, we would gain additional skill tree points which would allow us to ‘recoup’ some of these skills over time. Much like a fully leveled war horse can select all skills in all 3 trees. The only ones inaccessible at that point would be the sidebar skills particular to your trait line.
    The far bigger problem IMO is the imbalance in the game with overpowering of PVE. I am sure they will fix this given time, but I already have two toons that have largely completed the Helms Deep content and they won’t get to go back and re-experience it with more challenging content so feel a little cheated there. I could not find any place in West Rohan where my Guard could collect enough landscape mobs to seriously threaten him (outside of Raid level warbands). It became a game of ROUND UP to see how many mobs I could aggro and AOE at once to save time. Where is the sense of Danger/pressure in keeping an eye out for a pathing mob that might upset the delicate balance of a fight or the satisfaction of knowing that you hit just the right skill combinations to eek out a close fought victory against an elite and his allies?
    Hopefully, it will improve soon, so it again matters which buttons I press and why, because the rest of the expansion is fairly solid (story, landscape, music, etc.).
    Regarding PVP, you are much more knowledgeable than I, but I find it amusing that everyone agrees it is imbalanced, but depending on whom you listen to, which side is OP shifts! I listened to a podcast a few weeks ago where a Rank 15 Freep Raid Leader was bemoaning how ridiculously overpowered Reaver and BA damage was ruining the moors! and obviously you feel it is the Freeps that out of control. I like to think it a little of both and much depends on what class you play and whether you prefer soloing or grouping. Anyway, this humble Guard still does not have enough DPS to take down too many Creeps one on one. Survive and Shield Wall can get tiresome at times. Cheers! Braag of Vilya

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