Helm’s Deep Minstrel: A First Look

The minstrel is noted for ballads, songs, anthems, and codas. In this preview, we will take a look at how the minstrel will change in the upcoming Helm’s Deep expansion. The changes don’t seem to be anywhere as large as when they introduced codas, so I don’t think you’ll need to worry about relearning your class.

Since I cannot cover everything, you can get more information on the Minstrel Changes at the LOTRO forums.

May your shield protect you and your lute never break,

Pineleaf Needles


  1. Belwynne /

    As always, this is a great help, Pineleaf. Question: I thought virtues were somehow rewarded with points (not meta deeds so much as charity, idealism etc). How does that work?



    • Andang /

      Virtues are still the same way they always were just now you can switch them without going to a bard.

  2. Thanks for the video!

    Question: I understand they made them trees to be more ‘role’ centric, as opposed to everyone can do it all. So how ‘locked’ in are those trees once you commit points. I am sure you can refund points somehow, but the main concern is,..can I change Tree builds on the fly, between combat?
    If so,..then well,..you still can be it all anytime.

    I would hope, even if I spec Skald,..I still wouldn’t be enough for a ‘main DPS’,..or Tank.

    • Andang /

      You can switch between trees/saves when you are out of combat. It is nearly instant. Also note that you can invest in more than one tree at double the cost.

  3. miniBelam /

    The worst thing they did was make the Soliloquy of Song primarily a Heal line trait. I use it more when soloing/dps/buf then when I’m traited straight blue. I hope this gets fixed.

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