Helm’s Deep Minstrel: A First Look

The minstrel is noted for ballads, songs, anthems, and codas. In this preview, we will take a look at how the minstrel will change in the upcoming Helm’s Deep expansion. The changes don’t seem to be anywhere as large as when they introduced codas, so I don’t think you’ll need to worry about relearning your class.

Since I cannot cover everything, you can get more information on the Minstrel Changes at the LOTRO forums.

May your shield protect you and your lute never break,

Pineleaf Needles

5 thoughts on “Helm’s Deep Minstrel: A First Look”

  1. As always, this is a great help, Pineleaf. Question: I thought virtues were somehow rewarded with points (not meta deeds so much as charity, idealism etc). How does that work?



  2. Thanks for the video!

    Question: I understand they made them trees to be more ‘role’ centric, as opposed to everyone can do it all. So how ‘locked’ in are those trees once you commit points. I am sure you can refund points somehow, but the main concern is,..can I change Tree builds on the fly, between combat?
    If so,..then well,..you still can be it all anytime.

    I would hope, even if I spec Skald,..I still wouldn’t be enough for a ‘main DPS’,..or Tank.

    1. You can switch between trees/saves when you are out of combat. It is nearly instant. Also note that you can invest in more than one tree at double the cost.

  3. The worst thing they did was make the Soliloquy of Song primarily a Heal line trait. I use it more when soloing/dps/buf then when I’m traited straight blue. I hope this gets fixed.

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