Sauron Mosaic–Daily Screenshots

Kazren recently went to the instance in Mirobel (please let me know if that’s incorrect) and saw this eerie sight.

On the wall in the corner of one of the large rooms is a mosaic of Sauron seducing the Elves.

There is a significant amount of dread given off by being in the vicinity of the mosaic.

It’s beautiful and creepy at the same time.

Thanks, Kazren!



Daily Screenshots is an interesting picture picked by Spridra that is released every day.  If you have an awesome screenshot send it to me at  Your screenshot could end up on this segment of LotRO Players.  I can’t wait to see what you are able to create!


  1. I love, love, love that place. My mouth just about dropped when I saw it.

  2. Andang /

    The details like these help make LOTRO a very special game.

  3. Lilikate Buggins. /

    That is so creepy but cool too.

  4. stunning, these little details add a lot of atmosphere into the game 🙂

  5. eldaeriel /

    great screenshot 🙂 I was in there a couple of weeks ago catching up on the epic quest with Mallendis, when I saw this… I just stopped… really cool find 🙂

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