Hullo Everyone!
This Post has details about The Fellowship Walk and Forte’s Scavenger Scramble!
On Saturday the 28th September at 2.00pm Server time. The Fellowship Walk 2013 will continue. We stopped last Monday at a camp in Green Hill Country. We will meet at this same camp.
I have confirmed the co-ordinates of this camp as: Green Hill Country 33.5s, 69.1w.
Here we will gather and listen to music. I, Lilikate will announce the opening of the event with news on our fundraising total. I shall also be giving some general information about the walk. At this point I will re-check the total to see if we have reached a new milestone. Then I will announce how far we will be walking. At the moment I write this article we have raised $500 which means we can proceed to Woody End. I hope we can raise a little more and manage to get as far as Crickhollow! Please donate if you can.
While we are at our starting camp please look out for our Fellowship Walk Vendors, who will be more than happy to serve you with all your food, drink and pipe-weed needs! All completely free of charge, although we will gladly accept donations to the Fellowship Walk Trivia Prize Fund.
Fellowship Walk 2013 Tips:
- We will be strolling quite casually! You have all been voting for your preferred method of walking.
- I would still ask for the mounted guard to ride behind the walkers.
- Please do not surge ahead of Lilikate the lead Walker. Andang a taller organiser will be at the front of the line with me, he is easier to spot for all you far away strollers.
- I will be using both /say and /regional channels to communicate whilst giving announcements at the start and end of the walk.
- During the walk I may stop, and use emotes and /say to point out or respond to some event or unfolding situation. Please relay to those behind you any drama that unfolds. Keep your wits about you and your eyes open.
- Any Ninny-Hammers who get lost will be thoroughly /scolded by Lilikate.
- We have a very capable security team who are all dressed in a fine red outfit. It can be confusing to walkers and staff alike if others are running around the walkers. Some walkers may even begin to follow you! Which is how we got into the pickle last monday!
- I know this portion of the walk is a very short one, but I hope you are all able to enjoy the gathering as much as possible. Remember it is all for a very good cause! If you’d like to walk further I can only /point toward the donate button.
At the close of the walk we should arrive at the Elf Camp, near Woody End.
The co-ordinates: 33.4s,66.4w.
Here we hope to have a little more music, and a closing speech from Lilikate.
You can leave us if you choose, now I would like to tell you about another event which is due to begin just after the Walk finishes.
Forte’s Scavenger Scramble!
My good friend Fort has organised a scavenger hunt/race for us all to enjoy. It begins at the Camp where we finish the walk. (If we raise more money and finish at Crickhollow, the start and end of this event will also be at Crickhollow). After a brief introduction with details and rules, the first clue will be read aloud. This sends you to the 1st location.
- There are 10 locations and clues. When you reach the first location, /hail the Clue-keeper. (We ask you to form an orderly que in-front of the clue-keeper if there are many people).
- They will be give you an item (keep it) and your next clue via /tell.
- That clue will lead you to the second location where you will /hail the next Clue-keeper, They will then initiate trade, you will give them the item from the previous location, they will give you a new item (keep it), then your next clue via /tell.
- You will continue this through all the clues till you finish with the last item.
- The winner is the first player to get the last item, and return to Fort who is at the starting place by Woody End.
- The clue-keepers will decline to trade with folks out of line, and others with the wrong item!
The Prizes Are:
3rd Place: 10 Fireworks, 10 Pies, 10 Ales, 10 Pipe-weed, Small Bear Rug and 3 Gold
2nd Place: 2nd Place: 30 Fireworks, 25 pies, 25 Ale, 25 Pipeweed, Birch Tree and 5 Gold
1st Place: 1st Place: 65 Fireworks, 50 Pies, 50 Ale, 50 Pipeweed, Red Chair & 10 Gold (Now That’s a Party!)
Come and have fun with Fort and his clue givers!
You could end up with quite the prize purse!