Fellowship Walk Agenda for 2013

Come join the fun!

Come join the fun!

Want to know what’s happening for this Year’s Fellowship Walk?  Here  is the Agenda!

Sunday 22 September – 1pm pre-party live broadcast and Frodo’s Birthday party with live broadcast at 2pm (We anticipate this should go no longer than 2 hours)  This event will kick off this year’s Fellowship Walk with Trivia, music, fashion parade and fireworks.  Pies, Ale, Pipeweed for all 🙂  Maybe even a surprise or two 🙂

Monday 23 September – 7pm Leave Bag End and walk to Greenhills.  (We anticipate this to be no more than an hour) Riding display from Windy Acres and a 21 Spear Salute for Pineleaf are scheduled for this leg.

Saturday 28th September – 2pm The next leg/s of the Walk.  (We do not know how long this will be as it is determined by the amount of money raised).  Surprises in store… can’t give away the secret 🙂

Saturday 5 October – 2pm The next leg/s of the Walk.  (We do not know how long this will be as it is determined by the amount of money raised).

Saturday 12 October – 2pm The next leg/s of the Walk.  (We do not know how long this will be as it is determined by the amount of money raised).  This could also be the day we have our Trolling with the Trolls party.  Not sure will update later.  Andune though is playing this day to set us on our way and maybe even at the end of the walk leg.

Saturday 19 October – 2pm The next leg/s of the Walk.  (We do not know how long this will be as it is determined by the amount of money raised).

Thursday 24 October – 6pm The final leg of the journey and the Last Homely Party. (We do not know how long this will be.)  The Last Homely Party will be this night after the Walk leg.  Competition winners announced, music from Andunie, Trivia and a horse fashion parade from Windy Acres are so far the events for the party.  This will be updated a bit further along.

Auctions and donations for the event open on the 22 September.  All times are Server time and all events are held on Landroval server.

I hope to see you all there because it is our intent to…

Have fun 🙂

9 thoughts on “Fellowship Walk Agenda for 2013”

  1. Yes Andunie (Elves) are playing in Rivendell.

    The Andune Ensemble (Little and Big Folk) are playing on the 12th of October! (A very special day for one small hobbit).

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